TPO41 Flashcards
🔹of first importance; main.
🔸a nurse’s prime concern is the well-being of the patient
🔹from which another thing may derive or proceed.
🔸Diogenes’ conclusion that air is the prime matter
🔹of the best possible quality; excellent; top-quality
🔸prime cuts of meat
🔹having all the typical characteristics of something.
🔸the novel is a prime example of the genre
🔹most suitable or likely.
🔸any hospital with high costs is a prime candidate for closure
🔹the state or time of greatest vigour or success in a person’s life; heyday
🔸you’re in the prime of life
🔹splendour and impressiveness, especially of appearance or style; magnificence
شکوه- عظمت
🔸the majestic grandeur and simplicity of Roman architecture
🔹high rank or social importance.
🔸his facade of grandeur
🔹remove (a substance) from the surface of a liquid.
🔸as the scum rises, skim it off
🔹go or move quickly and lightly over or on a surface or through the air; glide
🔸he let his fingers skim across her shoulders
🔹read (something) quickly so as to note only the important points; glance through
🔸he skimmed the report
🔹deal with or treat (a subject) briefly or superficially.
🔸she skimmed over her meeting with Roger—it had suddenly become rather difficult to speak of him
🔹utterly bewilder or perplex (someone); puzzle; baffle; obfuscate
🔸I was completely mystified by his disappearance
🔹make obscure or mysterious.
🔸lawyers who mystify the legal system so that laymen find it unintelligible
go down in history
🔹to be remembered by many people for having done something
🔸He’ll go down in history as one of our finest leaders.
🔹providing satisfaction; gratifying; satisfying; pleasing; fullfiling
🔸skiing can be hugely rewarding
🔹reject or disallow by exercising one’s superior authority.
🔸Chief Judge Moran overruled the government’s objections
🔹reject the decision or opinion of.
🔸welfare staff overruled an experienced detective
🔹the period following the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an adult.
🔸Mary spent her childhood and adolescence in Europe
🔹an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based; foundation; basis
🔸a national minimum wage remained the cornerstone of policy
🔹mark or discolour with something that is not easily removed.
🔸her clothing was stained with blood
🔹be marked or be liable to be marked with a stain.
🔹damage or bring disgrace to (the reputation or image of someone or something); dishonour
🔸the awful events would unfairly stain the city’s reputation
🔹colour (a material or object) by applying a penetrative dye or chemical.
🔸wood can always be stained to a darker shade
🔹deliberately created rather than arising naturally or spontaneously.
created or arranged in a way that seems artificial and unrealistic.
🔸the ending of the novel is too pat and contrived
🔹create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice; engineer; devise
🔸his opponents contrived a cabinet crisis
🔹(of a fish, frog, mollusc, crustacean, etc.) release or deposit eggs.
🔸the fish spawn among fine-leaved plants
🔹(of a fish, frog, etc.) be laid as eggs.
🔸the fish can locate the precise stream in which they were spawned
🔹(of a person) produce (offspring).
🔸why had she married a man who could spawn a boy like that?
🔹produce or generate a large number of.
🔸the decade spawned a bewildering variety of books on the forces
🔹block or become blocked with an accumulation of thick, wet matter.
🔸the gutters were clogged up with leaves
🔹fill up or crowd (something) so as to obstruct passage.
🔸tourists’ cars clog the roads into Cornwall