TPO21 Flashcards
🔹put a harness(افسار-دهانه) on (a horse or other draught animal).
🔸how to groom a horse and harness it
🔹control and make use of (natural resources), especially to produce energy; exploit; utilize
🔸attempts to harness solar energy
🔹a large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply; pool; lake; pond
🔸the more water we use, the more land has to be flooded for reservoirs
🔹a supply or source of something; stock;
🔸Scotland has always had a fine reservoir of comic talent
🔹produce (a hole) in something by or as if by boring with a drill.
🔸drill holes through the tiles for the masonry pins
🔹subject (someone) to military training exercises.
🔸a sergeant was drilling new recruits
🔹instruct (someone) in something by the means of repeated exercises or practice.
🔸I reacted instinctively because I had been drilled to do just that
🔹(especially of materials with a high melting point, such as metal and glass) liquefied by heat; melted; liquid
🔹the action or process of getting rid of something; discarding
🔸the disposal of radioactive waste
🔹the action of overcoming a rival or threat.
🔸England’s 4-0 disposal of Turkey
🔹the sale of shares, property, or other assets.
🔸the disposal of his shares in the company
🔹(LITERARY) the arrangement of something.
🔸she brushed her hair carefully, as if her success lay in the sleek disposal of each gleaming black thread
🔹a crack, split, or break in something; fracture
🔸the wind had torn open a rift in the clouds
🔹(geology) a major fault separating blocks of the earth’s surface; a rift valley.
🔹a serious break in friendly relations; split
🔸the rift between the two branches of the legal profession
🔹abrupt or offhand in speech or manner.
خشن- بی ادب- تند
🔸she could be brusque and impatient
🔸she said brusquely: “everyone pay for himself!”
🔹the ability of a substance to flow easily.
🔸lead especially assists in the fluidity of the molten metal
🔹smooth elegance or grace.
🔸they moved with supreme skill and graceful fluidity
🔹the state of being unsettled or unstable; changeability.
🔸tactical considerations can change rapidly given the fluidity of the situation
🔹دنده- چرخ دنده
🔸the third gear
🔸put the car in the gear
🔹equipment or apparatus that is used for a particular purpose.
🔸camping gear
🔹to make something ready or suitable for a particular purpose or effective operation
🔸Our program is geared to the needs of children.
Phrasal verb
🔹 to adjust so as to match, blend with, or satisfy something
🔸gearing wages to productivity
🔹the art or practice of garden cultivation and management; gardening
🔹انسان شناسی
🔹ask for information from someone.
🔸he inquired about cottages for sale
🔹ask about the health and well-being of (someone).
🔸Annie inquired after her parents
🔹ask to see or speak to (someone).
🔸that was Paul inquiring for you—I told him he couldn’t come in
🔹investigate; look into; probe
🔸the task of political sociology is to inquire into the causes of political events
🔹heated disagreement; dispute
🔸the captured territory was the main area of contention between the two countries
🔹an assertion, especially one maintained in argument.
🔸Freud’s contention that all dreams were wish fulfilment
🔹tell someone about something; give an account of an event or experience; describe; relate; narrate
🔸I recounted the tale to Steve