superficial thoracic muscles
m lat dors, trapezius, pectoralis superficialis, sternocleidomastoideus and m omotransversarius
m lat dors (O, I, F, Innerv)
O: thoracolumbar fascia
I: m teres major
F: draws limb caudally
Innerv: N thoracodorsalis
m trapezius (O, I, F, Innerv)
O: pars cervicis - raphe of neck, pars thoracis - supraspinous ligament
I: pars cervicis - prox 3/4 spina scap, pars thoracis - prox 1/3 spina scap
F: support trunk, lift leg cran
Innerv: N accessorius
M omotransversarius (O, I, F, Innerv)
O: distally on spina scap
I: ala atlantis caudal border
F: free limb - moves cranially. fixed limb - moves neck laterally
Innerv: N accessorius
M sternocleidomastoideus
sternocephalicus: manubrium sterni to mastoid process of temporal bone (sternomastoideus) or nuchal crest of occipital bone (sternooccipitalis)
action: unilat - head laterally. bilat - head down
Brachiocephalicus: from crista humeris and distal cranial surface of humerus to intersectio clavicularis (cleidobrachialis). from intersectio to mastoid process (cleidomastoideus) or to raphe cervicis (cleidocervicalis)
action: head laterally or down if limb fixed. limb free moves it cranially
M pectoralis superficialis (O, I, F, Innerv)
O: pars descendens - manubrium sterni
pars transversus - sternebrae 1-3
I: crista tuberc major and crista humeri
F: ventral connection to trunk, adduction of FL
Innerv: N pectoralis cranialis
Name deep muscles of thoracic cavity
m pectoralis profundus, serratus ventralis, rhomboideus and subclavius (not in ca)
m pectoralis profundus (O, I, F, Innerv)
O: all costal certilage of true ribs and sternebrae
I: ca, su: tuberculi major. eq: tuberculi major and minor
F: supports trunk and is a strong retractor and adductor
Innerv: N pectoralis caudalis
M serratus ventralis (O, I, F, Innerv)
O: pars cervicis: TP C2-7. pars thoracis: middle of ribs 1-8.
I: facies serrata medially on scapula
F: supports trunk, carries limb cran or caud.
Innerv: N thoracis longus
M rhomboideus (O, I, F, Innerv)
O: pars capitis: nuchal crest (only in ca and su)
pars cervicis: raphe cervicis and SP TH 1-3
pars thoracis: SP TH4-7
I: dorsomedial border of scapula
F: free limb: base of scapula pulled towards trunk
fixed limb: raises neck
supports trunk
M subclavius (O, I, F, Innerv)
not in canine
O: manubrium sterni
I: cranial border of scapula and intersectio clavicularis
Name the muscles of the pelvic girdle
M iliopsoas (M iliacus & m psoas major), M psoas minor and M quadratus lumborum
M Iliacus (O, I, F)
O. between linea arcuata and lateral border of iliac bone
I: trochanter minor of femur (medially)
F: flexes hip - draws limb forward. or if femus fixed; flexion and fixation of vertebral column.
M psoas major (O, I, F)
O. ventral from bodies and TP of Lumbar Vert
I. Trochanter minor of femus (medially)
F. draws limb forward by flexing hip. if femur fixed then flexes and fixation of vert column.
M quadratus lumborum (O, I, F)
O. ventrally on 11-13th thoracic vert, last 2 ribs and Lumbar vert TP
I. medial surface of iliac wing
F. fix and flex vertebral column
Name the supf muscles of the thoracic girdle
5: lat dorsi trapezius omotransversarius pectoralis supf (descendens and transversus) sternocleidomastoideus
name the deep muscles of the thoracic girdle
pectoralis profundus
subclavius (eq)
serratus ventralis