What are the 5 muscles of mastication
m. masseter, mylohyoideus, pterygoideus med et lat, temporalis and digatricus
what muscle opens the jaw
m digastricus
what muscle lifts the tongue
m mylohyoideus
is fossa pterygoidea med or lateral on the os mandiblula?
which species has proc angularis
which species has tuberositas sternomandibularis
what duct curves around incisura vasorum facialum
parotid duct
what kind of art. is caput mandibulae of proc condylaris?
art convex
what kind of joint is the temporomandibular joint?
incongruent, synovial, has a discus
what kind of movement is the temporomandibular joint capable of?
hinge (opening and closing the mouth) and lateral (grinding)
what ligaments are at the temporomandibular joint?
lig laterale and lig caudale (eq, ru)
proc lingualis is off what bone & in what species
os basihyoid in ru and eq
what does the hyoid bone connect with caudally
the pharynx
what does the stylohyoid bone have in ru and eq?
angulus stylohyoideus
Where does m mylohyoideus originate
linea mylohyoidea
name the parts of the hyoid skeleton
basihyoid, epihyoid, stylohyoid, thyrohyoid, ceratohyoid, tympanihyoid (BEST CT)
what does the tympanohyoid part articulate with in eq and ru
os temporale - proc styloideum of tympanicum
what does the tympanohyoid part articulate with in ca
proc mastoideus of petrosal part of os temporale
insertion of m mylohyoideus
median raphe beneath tongue and basihyoid
origin of m temporalis
fossa temporalis and its borders: linea temporalis, ext sag crest, nichal crest and doral edge of zygo arch
insertion of m temporalis
coronoid proc of mandible
origin of m masseter
ventral border of zygo arch
insertion point of m masseter
fossa massaterica of mandible
origin of m digastricus
proccesus paracondylaris of occipital bone
insertion of m digastricus
ventral border of mandible
origin of m pterygoideus medial
fossa pterygopalatina
insertion of m pterygoideus medial
fossa pterygoidea
origin of m pterygoideus lateralis
ventral to canalis alaris
insertion of m pterygoideus lateralis
fovea pterygoidea