TOPIC 1C. Oral cavity and its features Flashcards
what makes up the oral cavity
the oral cavity proper and the vestible
what binds the oral cavity dorsally, ventrally, laterally and caudally
palatum durum and molle
tongue and adjacent mucosa
laterally by dental arches and caudally by tongue and palatoglossal arch
what marks the opening of the mouth
rima oris
names of the upper and lower lips
labia oris superior/inferior
labium mandibular/maxillar
corner of the mouth
angularis oris
whats recess sublingualis lateralis
space under tongue between frenulum linguae and mandible
name two structures at the frenulum linguae
caruncula linguae and plica sublingualis
papilla parotidea
elevatioins on buccal orifice of ductus parotideus
papilla incisiva
elevations at rostral raphe palatini
rugae palatini
transverse ridges on hard palate - guide food backwards
opening of oral cavity to oropharynx
isthmus fauciem
whats isthmus fauciem bound by
dorsally by soft palate
ventrally by radix linguae (end of tongue)
laterally by palatoglossal arches
muscels of the soft palate
m levator veli palatini
m tensor veli palatine
m palatinus
how does the vestibule connect with the proper oral cavity
interdental spaces
do ru have upper incisor teeth
ISDs area between upper lip and nostril
eq: planum labiale - small hairs
ru: planum nasi labiale: moist and mobile
ca: planum vibrissale - whiskers, philtrum
su: rostrum