Brachial Plexus Flashcards
What spinal vertebrae does this come from
C6 - Th2
Whats the muscle the root is found under
m. scalenus
what LN is found here
LN. axillaris proprius
Where is LN axillarus accessorius found
against ribs 3&4 at level of lateral thoracic vein
What Nerves comes from C6 and C7 only (2)
N. Subscap and N. axillaris
What Nerve comes from C6 only
N. suprascapularis
What nerve comes from C6 - C8 only
N. Musculocutaneous
What nerve comes from C7, Th1 and Th2 only
N. radialis
Where does N. mediana come from
C7 - T1
Where does N. ulnaris come from
C8 - T2
Origin of Mm. Scaleni pars dorsalis
TP of C4-C6
Origin of Mm. Scaleni pars medius
TP of C6-C7
Insertion of Mm. Scaleni pars dorsalis
Dorsal part to 1st-4th ribs, ventral part to 8-9th ribs
Insertion of Mm. Scaleni parts medius
Cranial border 1st rib
Function of Mm. Scaleni