list the main bursae of the hindlimb (10)
when i say main, i mean the ones mentioned on the sheet made by the college which combines 16a and 17a.
b. subcutanea trochanterica
b. subcutanea iliaca
b. subfacialis prepatellaris
b. subtendinae prepatellaris
b. infrapatellaris prox
b. infrapatellaris dist
b. subcutanea calcanea
b. subtendinea calcanea (b. calacanea m. flex. dig. supf.)
b. tendinis calcanei
b. subtendinea m. tibialis cranialis
list the remaining bursae of the hindlimb
remaining bursae mentioned in ryans notes
b. subcutanea ischiadica
b. ischiadica m. semitendinosi
b. ischiadica m. obturatii interni
b. trochanterica m. glutei supf / prof / medii
b. trochanterica m. bicipitis femoris
b. subtendinea m. obturatii internii
b. m. recti femoris
b. subcutanea prepatellaris
b. subtendinea m. ext. dig. longus
b. subtendinea m. ext. dig. lateralis
b. subtendinea mm. interosseum pedis
b. podotrochlearis pedis
where is b. subcutanea iliaca located?
btw skin + tuber coxae
where is b. subfacialis prepatellaris located?
deep to prepatellar fascia
where is b. subtendinae prepatellaris located?
btw patella + the heads of the m. quadriceps femoris
where is b. infrapatellaris prox. located?
btw lig. patellar intermedium + patella
where is b. infrapatellaris dist. located?
btw lig. patella + tibia
where is b. subcutanea calcanea located?
btw skin + tendo plantaris
where is b. subtendinea calcanea located?
btw tendo m. gastrocnemii and tendon of DDF
which bursa does b. subtendinea calcanea communicate with?
b. tendinis calcanei
where is b. tendinis calcanei located?
btw tendo accessorius + both tendo gastrocnemii
list the vagina synoviales (tendon sheaths) of the hindlimb
vagina tendinis m. ext. dig. longus
vagina tendinis m. tibialis cranialis
vagina tendinis m. flex. dig. supf.
vagina tendium digitorum pedis
does the hindlimb have a proximal common tendon sheath and why?
as each part of DDF (med + lat) runs in its own tendon sheath
SDF fasten by galea to tuber calcanei
what fastens the m. flex. dig. supf. to the tuber calcanei?
galea calcanei
what is the m. flex. dig. prof. fastened by?
retinaculum flexorium
the m. flex. dig. medialis of the DDF runs where?
on sulcus malleolus medialis (tibia)
the m. flex. dig. lateralis of the DDF runs where?
on sustenaculum tali (tarsal)
the vagina tendium digitorum pedis is also known as?
distal common tendon sheath
where is vagina tendium digitorum pedis located?
behind the fetlock on the surface of scutum prox
the vagina tendium digitorum pedis is fastened by what?
lig. anulare digiti prox.
what does the vagina tendium digitorum pedis contain?
tendons of DDF + SDF
manica flexoria