what is a bursa?
a closed cavity that contains synovia
what are the 5 types of bursa?
bursa subcutanea bursa submuscularis bursa sub tendinea bursa subligamentous bursa subfascialis
list the bursae of the forelimb (16)
bursa subligamentous supraspinale bursa subcutanea prescapularis bursa intertubercularis bursa subcutanea olecranni bursa intratendinea olecranni bursa subtendinea m. tricipitis brachii bursa subtendinea m. infraspinati bursa subtendinea m. brachialis bursa subtendinea m. flex. carpi radialis bursa subtendinea m flex. carpi ulnaris bursa subtendinea m. ext. carpi radialis bursa subtendinea m. ext. carpi ulnaris bursa subtendinea m. bicipitalis radialis bursa subtendinea m. ext. dig. communis et lat bursa subtendinea mm. interosseum manus bursa subtendinea podotrochlearis manus
where is bursa subtendinea m. ext. dig. communis et lat found?
btw fetlock joint and m. ext. dig. communis
where is bursa subtendinea mm. interosseum manus found?
under the tractus appositus on both sides of the fetlock joint
where is bursa subtendinea podotrochlearis manus found?
btw DDF tendon and the distal sesamoid bones
where is bursa subligamentous supraspinale found?
btw the lig nuchae / supraspinale & the spinal proc. of Th 2-5
which species is bursa intertubercularis in and where is it located?
Eq + Ru
in sulcus intertubercularis under tendon of biceps
which species is vaginae synoviales intertubercularis in?
what is vagina synoviales also know as?
tendon sheath
what is the role of vagina synoviales?
provide padding, nutrition and a sliding surface
name the 5 structures that make up a vagina synoviales (6)
stratum fibrosum stratum synoviale parietale cavitas synoviales stratum synoviale visceralis mesotendineum tendon
list the tendon sheaths on the extensor side of the forelimb
vagina tendinis m. ext. carpi radialis
vagina tendinis m. ext. carpi. ulnaris
vagina tendinis m . ext. dig. communis
vagina tendinis m. ext. dig. lateralis
what do the muscles on the extensor side of the carpal joint do?
all run through their own tendon sheath
list the tendon sheaths on the flexor side of the carpal joint
vagina tendinis m. flex. carpi radialis vagina tendinis m. flex. carpi ulnaris vagina tendinis m. abductor dig. 1 longus vagina synovialis communis mm. flexorum vagina tendineum digitorum manus
what is the vagina synovialis communis mm. flexorum also know as?
proximal common tendon sheath
where is the synovialis communis mm. flexorum located?
carpal channel
where is the canalis carpi found?
between the carpus bones and the retinaculum flexorum
what runs through the canalis carpi?
flexor tendons
what is the vagina synovialis communis mm. flexorum fastened by?
retinaculum flexorum
what does the vagina synovialis communis mm. flexorum contain? (3)
tendons of deep + supf flexors
a. dig, palmaris comm. II (final portion of a.mediana)
n. palmaris medialis (ex. n. medianus)
what is the vagina tendineum digitorum manus also known as?
distal common tendon sheath
where is vagina tendineum digitorum manus located?
behind the fetlock joint, on the surface of scutum proximale
what is vagina tendineum digitorum manus fastened by?
lig. anulare digitalis proximalis
what does the vagina tendineum digitorum manus contain?
tendons of deep + supf flexors
manica flexoria
describe the manica flexoria
where the SDF tendon surrounds the DDF tendon
in eq does the bursa intertubercularis communicate with the shoulder joint
in ca does the vagina synovialis intertubercularis communicate with the shoulder joint