the roof of the nasal cavity (dorsum nasi) consists of?
os frontale (paired) os nasale (paired)
the lateral walls of the nasal cavity consists of?
os lacrimale (paired) os zygomatica (paired) os maxilla (paired) os incisivum (paired)
the floor of the nasal cavity consists of?
os palatinum (paired) os maxilla (paired) os incisivum (paired) unpaired vomer
what separates the nasal and cranial cavity?
lamina cribrosa of ethmoid bone
what divides the nasal cavity?
median septum nasale
what does the ethmoidal turbinates form?
it continues rostrally and form conchae
what does endoturbinate I form?
concha nasalis dorsalis
what does endoturbinate II form?
concha nasalis media
which concha nasalis does not come from the ethmoid bone?
concha nasalis ventralis
what provides attachment for the concha nasalis dorsalis?
crista ethmoidales on the internal surface (facies interna) of the nasal bone
where do the 2 nasal bones unite?
sutura plana
what do the proc. rostrales of the nasal bone form?
apex of nasal bones
nasoincisive notch
describe the apex for relevant species
Eq,Su,Ov - end centrally
Ca - ends laterally
Bo - separate apex for each bone
What does the proc. septalis form in Ca?
part of the nasal septum
what is between the nasal and incisive bones?
incisura nasoincisiva
what are the paired frontal bones united by?
sutura interfrontalis
what does the frontal bone enclose?
the frontal sinuses (number varies in species)