Parts of sphenoid bone
presphenoidale and basisphenoidale
what are the 2 parts of spenoid bone fused by
synchondrosis intersphenoidalis
hollow part of fossa cranii rostralis
jugum sphenoidale
rostrum sphenoidale continues into
crista galli of ethmoid bone
corpus ossis presphen encloses
paired sinus sphenoidales
fissura orbitalis found in what species
ca and eq
nerve passing through for.rotundum
n maxillaris (V3)
for orbitorotundum found in
what does os basisphenoid form
fossa cranii media
dorsum sella in equine?
sulcus caroticus only in, and what for
ca and eq, for a carotis interna
sulcus nervi opthalmici et maxillaris in
for. ovale for
n mandibularis (V3)
foramen caroticum for
a carotid interna
foramen spinosum for
a. meningea media
canalis alaris in
ca and eq
foramen alare parvum for
eq only, for a. temporalis profunda rostralis
crista pterygoideus NOT in
whats in the caudal part of os presphenoidale
sulcus chiasmatis marked by christa orbitosphenoidales
what does the outer surface of ala ossis presphen help form
4 structures found on ala osis preshen outer surface
canalis opticus
fissura oribitalis
for rotundum
for orbitorotundum
what does fossa crani media include
sella turcica
dorsum sella
fossa hypophysialis
sulcus caroticus
foramen lacerum is only in
eq and sus