what type of articulation is art metacarpophalangea?
synovial, composite, hinge
how many art metacarpophalangea in Ru?
the articulation forms between?
trochlea of MC III - IV
fovea articularis of P1 (x2)
facies articularis of sesamoid bones (x4)
name the 2 recesses of the joint capsule
rec dorsalis
rec palmaris
list the ligaments associated with this articulation (7)
lig interdigitale prox lig interdigitale dist lig intersesamoideum interdigitale lig phalangosesamoidea interdigitale lig collaterale axialis + abaxialis lig sesamoidea prox, middle, dist lig suspensorium (m. interosseus medius)
where is lig interdigitale prox located?
btw P1 of digits III + IV
where is lig interdigitale dist located?
btw P2 of one digit and distal sesamoid of another digit
where is lig intersesamoideum interdigitale located?
btw the two axial sesamoid bones
which ligament divides into 4 parts?
lig suspensorium (m. interosseus medius)
what 4 parts does it divide into?
middle part
medial and lateral branch
strong branch
where does the middle part of the lig suspensorium go?
divides into 2 branches
1st goes to prox axial sesamoid bones
2nd interdigital branch goes to each digit
where does the medial and lateral branch of the lig suspensorium go?
deep brach to prox abaxial sesamoid bones
supf branch to extensor tendons
where does the strong branch of the lig suspensorium go?
divides into medial and lateral
distally unites with tendon of SDF
forms sheath around DDF
what ligaments are specific to Ru?
lig interdigitale prox
lig interdigitale dist
lig intersesamoideum interdigitale
lig phalangosesamoidea interdigitale
where is the recesses dorsalis located?
btw Mc bones and tendons of common and lateral dig. flexors
where is the recesses palmaris located?
btw Mc bones, M. intereosseus and tendons of DDF + SDF