Topic 12 part 2 Flashcards
ABDs of coronary hearth disease
Type A
- Hostility competitiveness, time urgency, feeling driven
Type B
- Cooprative patient, non-competitive, nonaggressive
Type D (distressed)
- Insecurity, anxiety, negative outlook
Psychological aspects of cancer
2nd leading cause of death
Emotional responses may affect the course
- Adopting “fighting spirit” leads to better coping & less emotional anguish BUT the long-term survival rate is no better
Psychoneuroimmunologists found that a person’s emotional state affects the immune system in the same way as stress
- Certain types of therapy have the potential to extend the lives of cancer patients
Coping with stress: the maladaptive ways
Avoidant coping
- people use wishful thinking to reduce stress OR direct escape routes
Defense mechanism
- Unconscious strategies people use to reduce anxiety by concealing the source from themselves and others
- Don’t deal with the problem
Control & stress
Perceived control
- Beliefs about our personal capacity to exert influence over and shape outcomes
Associated with favorable outcomes like
- Better physical & mental health
- Greater psychological well-being
- Lower emotional and physical reactivity to daily stressors
A personality characteristic associated with a lower rate of stress-related illness, consists of three components
- Commitment
- Challenge
- Control
The ability to withstand, overcome and actually thrive after profound adversity
- Easygoing, good social skills, independent, have a sense of control over destiny
- Associated with trait optimism
Stress reduction techniques
- Reduces stress and increases resitance to adverse effects of stress
Meditation & relaxation
- Uses electronic equipment to measure a persons involuntary activity & provide feedback
Meditation & stress
Mediation is associated with
- Reduction in stress hormones
- Reductin inflammatory responses
- Improvements in sleep quality