Topic 11 part 1 Flashcards
Pattern of enduring characteristics that produce consistency and individuality in each person
Psychoanalytic theory
Unconscious forces act as determinants of personality
contains memories knowledge beliefs, feelings urges, instincts - outside of out awareness
- Freud argues much of our behaviour is motivated by unconscious
Personality 3 interacting components
- Pleasure principle, unconscious urges & Desires
- Reality principle, the executive
- Ego ideal, moral guardian, “perfect person”
Freud’s stages of personality (psychosexual development)
Oral Stage (1st year)
- Pleasure in sucking & eating
- Oral fixation
Anal stage (Ages 2 - 4)
- Pleasure from retention of expulsion
- Anal fixation
Phallic stage (Ages 4 - 6)
- Pleasure in manipulating genitals
- Oedipus complex/Elektra complex
Latency stage (Ages 6 - 12)
- sexual desires are dormant
- Consolidates personality traits developed in earlier stages
Genital stage (12+)
- Focus on mature sexual intimacy and relationships
Oedipus complex
unconscious wish to take father’s place because of desire for mother
Elektra complex
Desire for father & penis envy
Defense mechanism
Tools the ego uses to mediate between the id, superego, and external reality
when conflict rises the ego may employ defense mechanism to reduce anxiety
Blocking certain thoughts/feelings from consciousness
Refuse to acknowledge repressed feelings/thoughts
Relating to the earlier stage of psychosexual development when under stress
Attributes threatening impulse to others
Divert impulses toward a more acceptable object
Neo-Freudian psychoanalysts
Psychoanalysis who were trained in traditional Freudian theory but who later rejected some of its major points
- Less emphasis on sex
- Expanded views on unconscious
- Optimistic view of human nature
Carl Jung: The collective unconcious
The shared reservoir of memories and expreinces common to all humans, distinct from the personal unconscious
Universal symbols appearing in art, mythos, stories & dreams
- Guide our instincts & behaviour shape common responses
- Personality growth involves nitrating archetypes into consciousness
Introduced introversion & extraversion
Alfred Adler
- Striving for superiority rather than sexual conflict
Inferiority complex
- Affects adults who have not been able to overcome inferiority feelings from childhood - compensation
Erick Erikson, Anna Freud
Focused less on inbron sexual & aggressive drives, and more on social and cultural factors