Topic 12 part 1 Flashcards
Studies the relationships amongst psychological factors, the immune system and the brain
- Stress was seen as purely biological
- Stress impacts immunity
- Positive emotions boosts health
People response to events that threaten or challenge them
Stress is personal - depends on perception
Something is stressful when
- You perceive it as threatening
- You lack the resources to deal effectively with it
Lazarus & Folkmans transactional stress model
Stress is subjective
- Individual differences in terms of what we notice and how we appraise an event
Primary appraisal
- Is this event relevant to me? is this even significant, threatening, or potentially harmful to me?
Secondary appraisal
- Can I deal with this event? Do I have the resources to cope?
Cataclysmic events
Strong stressors that occur suddenly affect may people simultaneously
- Tornado
- Pandemics
Personal stressors
Major life events that produce immediate major reactions that usually soon taper off
- Moving
- Death
Background stressors
Everyday annoyances that cause minor irritations may have long-term ill effects when continuous or compounded
Post Traumatic stress disorder
Victims of major catastrophes that have long-lasting effects that include, vivid flashbacks or dreams
Innocent stimuli can trigger episodes
- Re-experiencing flashbacks or dreams, emotional numbing, sleep difficulties, interpersonal issues, substance use, suicide
Categories of personal stressors
Changes in our life
Internal conflicts
- Experience 2 or more incompatible motivations, forced to choose
- When a valued goal is blocked/thwarted
- Mismatch between what we have to do/want to do & resources
Holmes rahe life stress inventory (social readjustment scale)
Numerical values assigned to 43 major life events/changes
Asked how often they experienced each event in the last 12 months
Higher scores positively correlated physical & mental health issues
Minor positive events that make one feel good
Protective of psychological health
The more uplifts the fewer negative psychological symptoms
Cost of stress
Biological & psychological consequences
Stress triggers hormone secretion by the adrenal glands
Short-term response adaptive (fight or flight)
Chronic exposure
- lower biological functioning due to continuous hormone releases
- Can lead to tissue deterioration in blood vessels and the heart
- Increased susceptibility to diseases, as the immune system weakens over time
How can stress affect your brain & body
Chronic activation of flight or gith associated with
- High blood pressure, plaque build-up in arteries, heart attack
- changes gut bacteria - GERD
- Cortisol increases appetite and weight gain
Stress & our immune system
Immune system
- System that defends against infection & cancer
- Does not perform well under long-term chronic sources of stress
- Greater frequency & service of viral illnesses
- White blood cells that are products of the immune system
- Stress hormones directly suppress activist of lymphocytes
Psychophysical disorders
Class of physical problems know as often result from or are worsen by stress
High blood pressure, headaches, backaches, skin rashes, indigestion, fatigue, digestive issues
Psychoneuroimmunology & stress
Stress has 3 main consequences
- Direct physiological result
- Leads people to engage in harmful behaviors
- Produces indirect consequences that result in a decline in health