Topic 10 part 1 Flashcards
Nature Vs nurture
The degree to which environment and heredity influence behavior
- Developmental psychologist’s interactionist approach
- Genetic factors provide potential and palace limitation
Influences based on the genetic makeup of an individual that influence growth and development
Influence of parents, siblings, family, friends, schooling, nutrition, and all other experiences to which a child is exposed too
Developmental research techniques
Cross-sectional research
- Compares people of diffrent ages at the same point in time
Longitudinal research
- Traces behavior of one or more participants as they age
Sequential research
- Takes a number of different age groups and examines them at several time points
Basis of genetics
- 23 pairs (46 total) - 23 from each parent
- thousands of each chromosome content instruction for traits and function
- Building blocks of genes
Substances or environmental factors that can harm a developing fetus
- Growth problems, birth defects, miscarriage
Druges prescribed to treat morning sickenss
Pulled 1962
Highly teratogenic
- Limb malformation and other birth defects
Babies exposed at eraliest stages born without ears
Down syndrome
- 1 in 800 live births in all races and economic groups
- Error in cell division - resulting an addition third chromosome
Visual perception
Remarkably sophistiated
- Prefer pattern with contorus and edges
- Newborns can imitate adults expression
- Provides foundational for social interaction skills
Humans are predisposed toward protection and nurturance
Cuteness activates dopamine
Kawaii attributes
Emotinoal bond that devleoped between a child and an individual
- seeking clsoesness to caregiver & displaying distress on separation
Has consequences for later development
Harlows Monkey
Monkey seprated from mom, chooses to cuddle with a cloth monkey that was warm rather than an wire monkey that provided milk
Bowlby on attachemnt
Infants programed from birth to emit behaviors that trigger caregiver response
Caregiver biologically programed to respond with care & nurturance
Secure attachment style
Mom as home base to explore
Distressed when mom leaves, goes to her upon return
Avoidant attachment style
Do not cry when mom leaves
Avoids her when she returns
Distresed when mom leaves but ambivalent upon her return
Disorganized disoriented
inconsistent, contradictory behavior
Criticisms of attachment theory
How might cultural differences in parenting challenge Ainsworth’s classification?