Tissue Flashcards
apper is presnetes as havign the power to chng thins , despie its frgilgity .
paper is used in religous exta nd recprds family hisotrya dnw ear thin over time .
other itemas made of paper record large n smal deatls of lfie .
s[paker sugesitng thst lives coubd be consturcted or recnstructed out of paper os ‘lviign tissue cpnnection wit paper n human skin .
key aspects of the poem .
dharker hcooses o am poem tisue although paper is its fouc s.
poem uses a neutal viewpoint wit firs poerson perspectiv e .
dharker presen paper despite beinthin and worn as possesing power igven bu power .
the poems inner meanis ambiihous difficult to grasp , could she e aking a point bout poem itefel as frahole .
key theme power of pap er
presnets paper as powerful int he world becuase of its sues although it is thin it can le tligh ‘shien thorugh’ prooving its more powerful asna also used in religous texts liek koran .ir crriw strong caluale hings
also has copies of our improtnanthtings lie fmaily hsitor . and apect of cviiliasaiton like map making all connected by paper .
a possible interpetation is that dharke is commenting on the importance civilisaiton papceso n paper , despite its fragility conrats paper records and brick buuildings therehighglight th vunerbiltiy of wirttenr ecords and to show these will not tand hte tst of time.
she uses many modal verbs lke ‘might; and ‘could ‘ ‘if buildings were pape r’ she is saying how indubsntial thing re thing imahinary .
example of lanageug anyals
Dharker uses he image o ‘slips from gorecry shops’ thay ‘mogith fl our lives le paper kites’ perhaps uggestic ht commerce controls our lvis to an unhealhy degree . This image uses two exmple of pper to imply tht the rle of maaerialis in our lvies is ridiculous .
if builidngs were paper
sje is sowig uncertaitiy from real per to more theoretical ideas .
‘ight’ semanitc field of light runnign thorugh poem ‘light shien thorugh’ joiing secveral mtofis like beauty and mpermenanc .
paper being s’smoothed and stroked’ sibilican evokes gentle and respectful tretment , highlgigh hwo much ower we give to paper .
‘shapes that pride can ame ‘ . raie a srcutue enevr meant t lst . suggets mkigng builings to last shows human arogance and ht builing impermanen strucutres out paper woudl be superior .
final lie ‘turned int your skin’ final line provides empahsise throuh spearatin perhptios like a htinned paper worn out .
link to ozymndias .
Both ‘Tissue’ and ‘Ozymandias’ show the omnipotence of time and how nothing, especially human intervention, can defy it. Primarily, Dharker employs the use of an extended metaphor to convey the transient and fleeting nature of human life. Ppaer thinning is simialr to Ozymandias’ power transicent .