Act 4 Scene 2 MACBETH Flashcards
-lady Macduff is with her son and Ross . Ross informs her that her husband has fled to England . Lady Macduff ccuses her husband of cowardice . Ross amkes his excuses and leves .
-A messanger arrives , warns of dange , and leaves . Murderes rxit to kill Macduff;s son , and pruse Ldy mACBDUFF WITH THE SAME PURPSOE .
Why is this scene improtant ? (1)
-Shakespeare shows themes of loyalty and treachery being discussed and deomnstrated .
-We see the increasing degradation and rutaity of Macbeth . Banqo was assasinted for a peuoise . ladyMacuff and her son who are entirely innocent are bruatlly murdered or pure spite .
Shakesepare uses this
Shakesepare uses this scebe with all ts savagery to evoke our pity and sympathy for the victims .
-The charcter of oss is that of the diplomat - alway int he right place at the right time .
-wE DONT SEE lAD mACUDFF MURDERED ONS TAGE (UNIKE HER SON) , UT we see ehr screaming ‘murder; as she flles of stag .
-Shakespeare , witht his peice of staging , reinforcesthe themati c idea . If she was murdered on stage it owuld create a moment of fer and suspens , but theexecution would e over immeditly and it would justbe nother body .
-Strucutally to see her fleeing of stage ,s cremaing muder PROLONGS te sense of suspsens e, we are not ertain she is ead until the enxxt scnee .
-This is a ntaul consequnece of th ekin dof ear that MB deests , not knowing ot being ure his reign has cuased everone to be uenasy .
Lady Macduff
‘leave his if;babes ‘ LADY MAcduff is left defencless ,when she ses macduff as the portecor , not fufilling his role .
-Lady Macudd comapred to Lady Macbeth , she is A FOIL TO lady Macbeth ,a s hr criticism is more moral , notion of what men should do unlike Lady Macbeth .
Highlgignt ‘all is the fear’ Macudff only tire to save hismelf when he ha something ot fear .
Lady Macduff
‘leave his if;babes ‘ LADY MAcduff is left defencless ,when she ses macduff as the portecor , not fufilling his role .
-Lady Macudd comapred to Lady Macbeth , she is A FOIL TO lady Macbeth ,a s hr criticism is more moral , notion of what men should do unlike Lady Macbeth .
Highlgignt ‘all is the fear’ Macudff only tire to save hismelf when he ha something ot fear .