Act 2 Scene 1 Flashcards
-On his way to bed , Banquo has a premonition something is wrong , adn then he encounters Macbeth .
-Banquo presents him with gift from the king : a diamond for Lady Macbeth .
Summary (2)
-Banquo tells Macbeth tht he dreamt of the witches . Macbeth says he does not think of them , btu asks that he and bnaquo speak about the matters other time ;
-Macbeth is left alone an dimagines he seeas a dagger in front of him - a gaeer that guide him toward his goal of killing Duncn .
-As the bell rings he is determined to go ahed and murder the ing .
Why is this scene important ? (1)
-Shaeaspere intenisfiies hte tmosphere of darkness and evil .
-The contrst between Macbeht;s thoughs with Banquo’s intergrity is amde clear .
-Shakespeare shows us the lasting effect the witches have on Bnaquo - theyd isturb his dream .
-Macbeth’s disloalty is highlighted by the king’s gift , while his struggle with his conscienc eis decisivle resoved .
Why is this scene important (2) ?
-Shakespeare shows us the lasting effect the witches have on Bnaquo - they disturb his dream .
-Macbeth’s disloalty is highlighted by the king’s gift , while his struggle with his conscienc eis decisivle resoved .
Although B is in a friend shosue mb , he is still on edge and on guard asking for his sword when somone is apporachin ‘Whose there’ to which ironically Mb reveals ‘a frind’ whch mb later kills .
Who is the key character in this scene : Banquo
-Shakeapsre introuce Bnquo at this point as the FOIL OF MCBEGHT . We see that the witches have affected him , but whereas Macbeth has surrendered his will to htem , Onlhy Banquo’s dreams haev ebeen inavded .
*HOever contrasting to Macbeth , Bnauq looks t the merciful power rathet than evil like MB .@
-HIghlighting LACK OF CONTROL BANQO HAS compared to Macbeth .
Who is the key character in this scene : Banquo (2)
-Macbeth requests that they talk og the witches later witha promise to ‘make a honour for you ‘
-this attempt to soun Banqo out , how he should react to Macbeth becoing KIng Bnaqo;s anser which insits on maintainig intergrilti is hardly liekly to pleae Macbeth .
-Shakespeare shows how Banquo cnnot b ough , I t is not suprise as Mcbfeth feels later in act three he feel srebuked by Banquo .
Key setting darkness (1)
-Shakespeare depicts this scene as dark - the torches are necessary to the lightt the wy . banquo sense sosmething wrong , He notes that the stars ‘ candles are all out ‘ a metaphor suggesting that the physicl darkness is also maoral darknes s, like they are hdiign away in fear ,foreshaowing something bad is gonna happen .
-He uses a similie to descrie the wighty effect on him ‘A heavy summons life like lead uppon me ‘ adding theweight to the atompsher e.
Key setting (2)
-Later , whn Macbeht is on his own , he sees a dsagger in the dark , He is unsure it is a ‘false creted / proceeding from the het opressed brian
-this shows Macbeth embarked one evil , he begins ot see thigns that others cannot .
-SHakespeare shows that this iage terrifies Macbeth intensifying the atmospher of evil .
Mb Soliloquy
‘Is this a daggerI see before me ‘ showing Macbeths troubled sayye of mind . descriing the halluciantion of Duncan’s dngegr leading to kd desth .
-shows a sypmotm of a fever mind , ti is a product of his imagined desgined to show the audience he has ifxed his decision ot take th epath of evil .
-Macbeth is also guilty when he sees the dgager - resurfacign his conflicted stat eof mind ‘gous o blood’’