Act 1 Scene 7 Flashcards
-In a soliloquy , Macbeth debates the pros and cons of murdering Duncan .
-He wories that the act of murdering his king and guest will return to plague him . He admits that Duncan has been a good king and worries that heaven itself will expose his wickednesss .
-Macbeth says the pn;y justification for murder is his ambition .
Summary (2)
-He is frighetened by his own imagery of damnation and he resolves not to go ahead with the murder .
-Lady Macbeth enters and Macbeth informs her that he will nto murde Ducan . He has been ‘honoured’ recently by the king and does not want ot ‘cast side’ this recognition .
-Lady Macbeth is contemptuous of his change of heart and accuses him of cowardice . They argue btu her violent determinaiton wins out . She outlines the plan and he agrreees to it .
Importance of this scene
-Shakespeare graphically shows Macbeth wrestling with his own conscience - the choiceo fevil is not inevitable or even easy for Macbeth .
-The major theme of ambition is stated overtly in this scne .
-Shakespeare shows Macbeth;s vulnerability to accusations of cowardice and lack of manilness .
Importance of this scene (1)
-Lady Macbeth’s responsiility for what is to unfold is established .
-The idea that one murder will be sufficent - Macbeth’s earlier hope is already undermined in Lady Macbeth’s immediat plan to implicate the guards .
Importance of this scene (2)
-Lady Macbeth’s responsiility for what is to unfold is established .
-The idea that one murder will be sufficent - Macbeth’s earlier hope is already undermined in Lady Macbeth’s immediat plan to implicate the guards .
Key theme of this scene : Courage and Manliness
-Lady Macbeth attacks her husband exa ctly where she knowns it will heart .
-His courgae and manilness ar at stake . And she doe s what she said she would in Act 1 Scene 5 , ‘pour my spirits in thine ear’ , Shakespeare demonstartes her trength of purpose and her leadership , which offer a remarkable contrast to Macbeth;s perforamcne at this stage /
later on due to this scene
-Later , ocne he is king , Macbeth will appeal to Banquo’s murderers int he exactly sam eway . If theyare ‘men’ they will commit murder .
-At the end of the play , heis courage and manhood are alll that is left of him , so he flights Macduff knowing that he is doomed .
b later oon due to this scene (2)
-This is the crtiical scene in which all the arguments against reason and murder are explicitly nd strongl msde . Lady Macbeth demolishes each one , questioning her husband’s manhood .
-Macbeth almost concedes that his wife is more many thn he is her ‘undaunted mettle sohuld compsoe / Nothing but males’ (Line73) , thus he falls into her way of thinking .
In the soliloquoy it highlights - Macbeth;s FEAR OF PUNNISHENT
‘could trammel up the the consequnce ‘ killing Duncan in the future could effect events in the future .
Could result in bad karma ‘To plague th’inventor’ .
In th soliloquoy highlights Macbeth’s DUTY TO PROTECT
he acknowledges that he is being duplicitious , I am his kinsman - so he should protect this king .
-He is a good king that has never done anything , he is good to his people , and he is also the guest nd Macbeth;s house . The murder is quiet COMPELLING
-Hevaen will not be happy .
it is is a ‘horrid deed in every eye ‘ not agood thing to do ,T
In the soliloquoy highlights WEAKNESS LEADS TO FAILURE
-macbeth ‘has no spur’ ap;art from h is ambition so he has no toher reason to lol Duncn .
So macbeth is anxious to kill ducan.
Mr Bruff
-MB talked hismelf out of it howeevr , lady Macbeth walks in and scene is used i evidence ; ‘ we shall proceed no further in this business’
-Lady Macbeth destroys his resolbe and all his convinving arguments in less than 50 lines of dialhouse .
-Macbeht , who is a leader in battle is absolutely , berballly destroyed by hsi own wife .
How does Lady Macbeth challenge Macbeth’s in act 1 scene 7 ?
she goads him by questioning his manhood and by implicitly comparing his willingness to carry through on his intention of killing Duncan with his ability to carry out a sexual act (1.7.38–41). Throughout the play, whenever Macbeth shows signs of faltering, Lady Macbeth implies that he is less than a man.
-she call shim a coward , she provokes him ‘wen you durst do it then you wer a man’ manipulating him , violwnc is Lady Macbeth’s masculinity this is signifcant , as Mcbeth’s entire reuptation is upon hsib racery and courg ebut she is calling him a coward.
How does Lady Macbeth challenge Macbeth in acfr 1 scene 7 (2) ?
Lady Macbeth uses ciolent verbs dash;d his nrsin out ‘
comaprign hwat she owu dhave done if she could , targettig his masculinity .
-‘ iv we shall fail’ Macbrh is now agreed to it , brainwashe dmy Lm , Lady MACBETH IS to take htre reins and to tell him the pans , he is under her pell liek the witches .
FINAL WORDS IN THE SCENE , echo thre theme of deceit from earlier scenes ‘ false face must hide what the false heart doh noe ‘ cho eehrn Lady Macbeht days ‘ look lie the innocent flower but be the serpent under’t.@