Act 5 scene 5 MACBETH Flashcards
Summary (1)
-Macbeth enters boasting tat he is confident of victory .
-A woman’s scream is heard and seyton goes to investigate . Macbeth reflects that nothing terrifies him now .
-Seyton returns with news that the queen is dead . This is confirmatoin for Macbeth that life is meaningless.
Summary (2)
-A messanger arrives to tell him tha Biran Wood is moving towards Dunsisnnne Castle .
-Outraged , and in doubt about his destiny , Macbeth orders an attack .
Why is this scene important ?(1)
-lady Macbeth dieds - the final end of he ambtios. Shakespeare shows us Macbeth reflecring on the meaningless of life .
-The prophecies start unravelling , adnf Macbeth ,w ho was blindly ogllowed them i s deriled from his strategy to hold the castle .
Why is this scene important (2)
-Shakespeare shows us how accepting the prophecy leads directly to Mcbeth’s downfall .
-SMacbeth;s keu uchatacterstic is ahaim courgage as hegoes out face hsi enemies and fight them .
Aimigh high : Lady Macbehts death
-Portrays her death as inevtable .
-It is ieffective nd (symmetrical when we consider Lady Macduff;s end ) .
-To hear her final scream that witness her death . Seems she commitied suicide .
-Mcbeth - the word ‘herefrter’ ssignifies his cknowledgement of he real loss in his ife .
-Shakespeere presents Macbeth’s isolation - he is suffering and despit all oru revulsionf or all that he stands for ,w e cnnot help but pt him here . NOtice Macbeth’s satte of moin , ‘I’ gin tob aweary of the un - he no longer cares whether he lives or dies .
-we see the price she finnaly has to pay for gicving up her womanlyiness and dedicating herslef to the spirits .
-She was welcomes so vehemently ealier in the play , but now it is cler that she has lost her mind .
-intersintg as before hse appeared completely untroubled byb evil and the supernatural .
ACT 3 she said gto grow up ‘dead people are just like painitng cant hurt you .
but now she is completley possesed by guilt and its causing her to walk and talk in her sleep , asign shaksepared day of madness .
-Intertesting parallel between this scene and when she convinces Macbeth to kill Duncan , by ataxking his manhood . ‘I dare do all that may ecome a man who dares do more is none ‘
-can be intereptsed as mb syaing ths killing his king is ot a man as they’ve lsot their humanity , here it appears LM as gone behyong humanity , and the guilt and stress on her mind is too great .
-sahekespeare uses of reption and imager in this scene , LM soliloquo repeaedlyf ocuses on blood and murder , SH esays such things as who would have thought the old man to have o much blood hi him , ‘OUT DAMNED SPOT ‘
-Teh woman who said that simply washin your hands removes gthe deed from your mind , BUT SHES LEARNIGN THE HARD WAY , the TOLL of these deeds have had on her .
OTETNTIAL FOR ALTERNATIVE INTERPETAITON - SHakespeare’s use of lanague ‘out damned spot’ her unabel to remove the deed , but also THE SPOT in those days was remarked as a symbol that you were possessed by demons ALSO INA CT 2 she asked to be possesed by demonds , so this owuld be asymol SHE IS TRYING TO GET HER SOUL BACK . But oibv she has a price to pY FOR THE cirme she commited .
LADY Macbeth’s fate
-LADY MACBETH’S FATE , is the final nail in the coffin of her relatoinship with MB , after she dies utterly alone , hwoever , there is als o a sugesion he’s already done withd eath , BUT I THINK HE HAS SO MUCH ON HIS MIND , JUST DOSENT HAVE TIME TO PROCESS HER DEATH .