Act 1 Scene 4 Flashcards
-King Duncan asks nhis son . Malcolm , to confrim that the Thane of Cawdor has been executred .
-He is told that Cawdor died with dignity ,r epenting his actions .
-MB and B eneter ,a re thanked by Duncan for teir efforts in the war .
-Duncan proclaims that malcolm will be his hier , and he will visit macbeth at his home .
-macbeth says he will wirte to his wife an dprepare for the arrival of king , unhappy that malcolm willb e nexxt in line .
-Duncan praaises Macbeth in his absence .
Why is this scen eimportant ?
-THe King’s announcement ,that Malcollm will be the next king , provides Macebth with MOTIVATION , to prevnt this happening and by commititng murder and treaosn .
-Shakespeare shows Macbeths attiude has changed and hardened when he sees that Malcolm is in his way .
-Macbeth;s character is contrasted with those of DUncan , Banquo and een the excuted thane of Cawdor .
-Key langauge - CONTRASTS
-Shakespeare revelas MB character thorugh contriasts in this scne between Duncan and BANQUO who are opend and direct .
-Macbeth hides his desired and intentions , typucallyf or Duncan @stars shall sie’ whereas for macbet h they ‘hide’ s darkess prevails .
-hear that the former Thane of Cawdor’s death in which h showed repentance . Contrasts with the lving Cawdors evil ambiton .
Key language CONTARAST (2)
-It is ironic that Duncan should comment about the former Thane of Cwdor ‘there’s noa rt / to find the mind’s consturciton in the face’
-showing he clearly fails to read macbeth;s faith . His trust in Macbeth leads to his deth .
-Shakepeare’s sue of these contrats serves to establish two contrary things , first how good and wothy a king duncan is .
-and second , how appalign a crime it is for macbeth ot murser him .
-in this scne , SHakepseare shows that Macbeth’s attidue to mursering the king has changed , even hardened .
-In scene three he thought the prospect was terrifying .
-*His soliloquy revelas a new determiantion that is carryign it thorugh .
-The vocabualry has swiched form abstract complex speech to ismple magter of factnes s.
-Couples reufbirce gte umportance of the lines and sense of inevitaility of what Macbeth msut do .
Shakespeare uses this to increase drama nad tnesion i his play . 4
-regicide on mb mind whole itme .
-Duncan kee[s [raoog acbeht so happy , hwoever Macbeth repleis with shoert replies showing how Macbeth’s mind is occupied with something else .
Hyperblic overblown lanagueg of Duncan , shows he is completely unaware of what is going behind hte scnees .
-Shalespeare uses thi to creare a snese of anticipitation i his audeicne .DUNCAN IS BLINDED BY HIS FATE , loyalty .
-‘The service and loyality i owe ‘ drmaitx iorny , macbeth is hiding his ral thoughts in fla words . HE IS DUPLICITOUS , WE KNOW THORUHG DRAMATIC IRONY
-shwoing macbeth has decided to be trwachorous , hidign hsi thoughts KE THEME in the play .
-King Duncan naming Mlaocm as his heir , sling Mclolm’s fate , Mcbeth has no choice but ot kill Malocm . admitiign he will do something terible .
‘let ilght not see my depe and balck desies’ telling ogd to ignroe his motives , reference to heaven looking away ,a s malcom is getting in the way of macbeth;s goal