The prelude Flashcards
- speaker comes across a baot and uses it to row into a lake at night noting the beauty of his surroudnigs .
- Boy is pleased with his skill in rowing nd sescirbes how he ixes he sig on the craggyr dge in distance .
- a peak appers dueenly seemig to chase he boy for stealign the baot .
- frightened the boy turns and tetrunt it to its place .
- speaker haunted b expericn afterward unabel to recall pleasns detials aout trip .
key apsects
first perosn view esed to convesy storyd irecly enablign reader to empahthise with speaker . Mcuh of langae is conversainal .#Personficiation of nature as a female and to threatning ‘it@ . ‘led by her-nature as a feminised force repreesneted .
-uses fanntasticla languae ‘elfin pnnace’.
power of nture
the beginnig ‘voice of mountaine choes’ foreshadoing wwith m ention of mountainsherebut light tone .
‘ a huge pek blackj and huge ‘ deliberate repetiion shows how fer ha afcted speaker hsi pride has vanished unable to thikn of any other word overwhelmed can’t cpmunicate .
‘upreared iits head’ mountain is perosnfied nd becomes more threatnig less humnies and lacking gender , feminism was gentle nture .
‘struck ‘struck again’ juxaposed to ‘and grwoign sitll alliteration contributing to the firgthtening effect uxtaposoing the pwoer of mountain and helplessness of speae r.
effect on wordworth
he is ‘dim ‘ undetermined and these negatie adjectibes create sense of fear and uncertainty .
‘darkness and desertion’ nouns form a semantic field of depressign to show effect on speaker ,
no pleasan iamges . no colours , repion ofthe word ‘no’ creates sense of expericncehunting the reade r.
‘thorugh my min =d , trouble to my dremas ‘ the hteme is hte pwoer of imaginaiton , danger in his mind , relaising how powerless humans are ocmpared to natur e.
innital ego attitudes
his pride in roing striaght ephsisign the pekrs youth ,
at first he describes boat as little oboa but then ELFIN PINNACE - lanague creates a snese of epic traiditon as he feels like a hero on a quest magical like he s the pwoer .
simile ‘thorugh water like sun’ sh ows how effortless boat is .
MESSGAE ntre is powerufl humans aren’t .
ow long stnz , qut overwhelmed readiner is as little breka s, represnting how Wordworth felt overhwelmed with nature .
Use of enjmbent also overwhleiming to communicate how nature mde him fel t.