Act 5 Scene 7 MACBETH Flashcards
Young seards death
-Young Sewards wnt st kil Macbeth .
-To make a name for himself however MB killing Young seyward so esily contrasts the othert killings in the play , as this is a very honourable death for Seward ,as his father says ‘the ends of his wounds wer in front , so he fought bravely and din;t try to escape honourbale battle m ad died an honoruabele death .
ECHOING , a theme in the play - valour and bravery in violent vicisou world .
killing at THE START , killing AT THE END
-The play is set in a dangerous and violent plce , for killing lots of people they are heralded ,but as they are enemies of scotlands its okay .
-when he goes killing he wrong sort of peoople , people became concernces , he;s no les or moe a killer at the beginnng than at ,t ehe end , it;s ust he;s upset witht he natural order of society in which e leived in .
in scnee 7 there is a suggesitn ghtr soldiers of MB arent fightign very hard odr have dieced to compeltey abadon hi and join the other side .
Malcoms ays ‘we’ve met with foes that strike beside us . empahsise here is on how alone Macbeth is he is agaiasnt the world .
‘BUT BEAR LIKE i must fight’ referecne act 1 scene 2, where hsi sword smoked with bloody execution , he i aling hismelf a ruthless killer .
-MB is worried , but he reassures himself with the prophecoes ‘that was not born of a woman , am I to fear , or none .
‘But swords I smile at, wepons laugh to scorn ‘ - he is mocking them about their attempts to kill as he is bron of woman , RELIANCE ON THE PROPHECIES .
Young Siward
-Called the deivl himself –> Sayiing MB is more than a devil , FULL OF EVIL - CONTRASTING TO THE PREVIOUS SCENES . ‘Brave Macbeth .’
-Scene 8 , Macduff calls Macbeth a hell hound - calliing him evil simialr .