Macbeth ACT 1 SCENE 1 Flashcards
summary of the scene
-withches in middle of storm
-Speak in riddles and rhymes using stange langaug e such as ‘hurly burly ‘
-prpeare to entice macbeth ‘upon the heath ‘
-A sense of foreboding cfreted by their CHORAL lies set up theme of deception ‘Fair is foul and foul is fair ‘
Importance of the scene
-immediately rgabs attentinon - kacobean era big belief in supernatural for audience . and also use of dramatic non relism .
-prompts our curiosity who witches are ad their significanc as they are also the first scene
key setting
-brief but very ominous atmosphere .
-Stage directions say thunder and lightning .
-Weather distrubance refelcts evil disruptive nature of withches .
key setting (2)
- shakespere hegithens atmosphere with saying ‘when shall we meet again ‘ - impling that the witches have prior experience of casting malevolent spells .
‘air is filthy suggesting dark deeds can happen .capturing audeicnes imaginaiton .
-witches are presneted as amibgous creaters .
-reffered to as weird sisters .
-their evil nature is revealed thorugh the rhyming couplet ‘ fair is foul and ouls fair’ shakespeare suggesting tht the wiches meddling with evil N GOOD .
-RHYMING COUPLETS lao give a sinister ere to play like dark nusery rhymes thye are’playing’ with