Act 1 Scene 5 Flashcards
Summary (1)
-Lady Macbeth reads a letter from her husband desciribing his ecounter with the witches .
-She is convinced by the withces prohphcy , beacuase as they promsied , Macbeh has been made the Thane of Cawdor .
-She worried that Macbeth is to kind-natured to bea ble to take the crown . She is determimned that she will assist him thrugh th e’valour of my tongue ‘.
Summary (2)
-Lady Macbeth is overjoyed to learn that Duncan will stay in thier castle overnight , She calls on demonic spriits ot hrden her resolve and to destroya nyw eakness or ptiy .
-Macbeth enters and she satrts convincing him that he should murder Duncan .
-She insits that the deed must be done , she will personally organise its operation , and finally that failure to accomplish it would be a form of feA R.
Importanceof this scene.
-Shakespeare establishes the close relationship between Macbeth and his wife ,
-Supernatural forces are reintroudced with Ldy Macbeth calling them .
-Her languge heightens the scale of evil hat hse is contemplating .
-We learn that Macbeth has ‘human kindness ‘ that may conflic wit h his ambiton .
Key theme ;Gender
-Cruious parallel betwen Lady Macbeth nd the ambigous sexuality of rthe witches .
-Lady macbeth sks the spritis to ‘unsex; her and her ‘woman’s breats’ are no longer ot be used for milk but for murder,
-shows she thinks feminity si a wekness , abadnoing her gender ,
gender (2)
-Macbeth , in trying to deflect hsi wife’s argument sput forward the view that ind aring to do more thn hwat is porper or ntrual for man to do , one i sno longer a mn Despite his argument , he does precisely tht when he murders hte king
Writing about MOtfis
-Shakeapsreare uses the motif of bllod thorughout the play ,s atrting with the bloody battle in ct 1 scene 2 .
-in act1 s5 lm demands to make her bllod thicker - herre blood is seen as a natural function in hman body , that feeds the human cpaicty for comapssion and repentance - things she dosent want .
-‘make thick my blood is a metaphor in rpesenting death , it is effecite as it also intnds th bloods she intends to shed - Duncan’s.
Key Quotaiton - Kind and nutruring .
Lady Macbeth says her husabnd is ‘too full of the milk of human kindess’
-Shakespeare uses this metaphor to suggest tht despite his reuputation , he is brave as a warrior nd thsat Macbet has strong sense of compassion .
-Milk is mild , naturla and importanlty , white .
-We assoiat white with purtiy but yet as th play progresses , we see macbeth will be icnreasingly linked to the contrsting red of blood .
-LM fears MB’s nature , although he has ambitions , she is afraid he is incapable of killing Duncan , then she cannot be queen .
Appearance vs relaity
-eing hourbale is bad = she sees Macbeth;s god quality as bad , it wont make him king .
involving psiritis o achiee goal Shakespeare’s audience ,c alling on demonic spirits very pwoerful woul have startled adience .
-LM possessed corssoing over dark side , he rpossesiveness we can see getting worsed , her sleep walking .
‘Look like an innocent flwoer but be the serpent under it ‘ - tellign Macbeth be duplicitous
the quote is a metaphor of concealmen t confusion and hidden indeity ,
-animal imager gaain like they are eil .
MB’s resposne
‘we will speak no fruther’ extra dimensions to Macbeth;s character , with Lady Macbeth actually in chare of Macbeth , she looks down on Macbeth while others hounour him .