Act 5 Scene 4 MACBETH Flashcards
-Malcolm orders his men to each cut down a bough forom birnam Wood ,and to carry it in front of them to concel their numbers from Macbeth .
-They learnt hat Macbeth intents remain in Dunsinane , his stragey being to endure a siege .
-This is hois only hope since troops are deomralsied nd fight fofr himout of necessity not commitment .
Improtanceo of this scene ?
-Shakespeare cretes tension , by shoiwng us the preparation going on inthe camp opposing Macbeth .
-We are remidned of the prophecy thsat Macbeth will be sae until Birnak wood rises up and moves to Dunsinane .
-The infleunce of the withces ,and of the supernatural is felt in this scene .
Key STRUCUTRE ; tragedy
-In the previos scne , shakesepare reintroudec the docotor from act five s1 , providing a neat sense of continuitty and dramatic iorny .
-The question minstering to Lm , extends a wider issue of ministeriging the coutnry as which has as Macbeth notes ‘disease; ,
Yet depsite that m tehre is aprt of hm ghat stille vokes omapssion , his recognitoin of friends , cannot but otuch the heart .
-He relishes what is good but has chosen the opposite whic is his tragedy .
Key STRUCUTRE ; tragedy
-In the previos scne , shakesepare reintroudec the docotor from act five s1 , providing a neat sense of continuitty and dramatic iorny .
-The question minstering to Lm , extends a wider issue of ministeriging the coutnry as which has as Macbeth notes ‘disease; ,
Yet depsite that m tehre is aprt of hm ghat stille vokes omapssion , his recognitoin of friends , cannot but otuch the heart .
-He relishes what is good but has chosen the opposite whic is his tragedy .
-Macbeth is dooomed should be obiosu fromt he previosus scne :
-The dependence he now has , on the prophecies is paralysisn his own decision - making and capciy for acion . ‘Bring me no mroe reports’
-Is a desperate statemen for someoen enganged in a war to uuter inteligence gather is of primry improtane .
-In contract with ct 5 scne 4 , we thee the pacical prerptoin for attack on mb castle ..
-The audience relise tht Mb;s obsession withh prophecies wll elad rto shi downfll , As we se emACOLMS’S SOLIDERS PREPRED TO MOVVOE BIRNAM WOOD TU DUNSISNAE .
-Shakespeare uses strucutr ei n acti five to effectiely icnrese tension .
s1 state of mind of lm
s2 swithced to the prperpation of thanes planngin to attack mb
s3 return to castle witnes b diseased min but also soctlnds disease eveyrhting chaoitc .
now in scne r WE RETURNTO THE CURE FOR AL THESE IDSEASE , ‘certrin issue sroeks must arbitrae- bloody operiation is reuiqre to remove he diease of Macbrh’s rul , W e have seen rhe siuaio in btoh campsl , the attle mstut commence .
mLcolm adresses them as ‘cousins’ adressing them as family highligths unity , wheras Macbeth dresses his camp with belittlement and trynny ‘lilly liver;d ‘
MALCOLM SHOWS CUNNING THOGUHTFUL MILIATAYR OPERATION , Cutting the branches and moving otward dunsinan e, prophecies re all comin truee . he understiand those who ar udner mb dont scc like him . .
THE SOLDIER S’IT SHALL BED OEN’ have FAITH IN Malcolm unlike ppl trusting B showig how good of a king he is .