Act 5 scene 6 MACBETH Flashcards
-Malcolm , , Macduff , and Seyward , with their armies and camouflaged , appreach Macbeth’s castle . Battle commences .
-Macbeth kills young Seyward in combat . He is trapped but unbeaten , eventhough his army hs fallen .
Summary (2)
-Macbeth encounters Macduf , who reveals that he was not ‘born’’ of a woman , but delivered by a c-section , . In a fial act of courag e , Macbeth fights Macduff and is killed .
-While Malcom comforts Seyward over the death of his son , Macduff arrievs with Macbeth’s head and hails Malcom King of Scotland .
Why is this scene important ?
-Shakespeare shows the full extent of Macbeth’s belief in the withces .
-Our curisotity about the prophecies - especially about somoene noto born of a woman - is satisifies .
-Despite all the witches
Why is this scene umportant (2)
-Despite all the witches have done to enslave acbeth , Shakespeare deminstrates that his courgae remains intact .
-The waste and futility of Macbeth reign is summarised in the death of Young Seward .
Key Charcater Macbeth’s courage
-Shakespeare m presents , Macbeth primarily as a warrior and this is signficant in our final evalutation of him . By giving in to the tempetation that the witches offer , he loses almost every aspect of his true humanity .
-Even his courage temporarily deserts him , when he learns from Macduff , how false the prophecies are – yet his courga eteturns at the en ; he wil not yeld .
-He WILL TAKE ON FATE AS WELL AS mACDUFF -‘Yet I will try the last’ - and this , white it does not excuse his crimes , does enale us to see some remnant of his great bravery .
Key character -Macbwth’s courage
Shakespeare esablishes Macbeth;s ferociosu qualities as a fighter early on , and we are reminded of his true strength in the fianl scnene .
-This is important s without it , Macduff;s achievement of slaying him in o one to one combat is diminshed .
Key theme ;Betrayall .
-The theme of betryal comes full circle .
-ust as macbeth betrayed Ducnan , so the witches have betrayed Macbeth ,. Ina ct 1 , when deliberating the pros and cons of treason and murder , Macbeth says , ‘we but ach/Bloody insturcton , which being taught , return to plague the inventor .
-Shaespeare shows this , to ohas come ttur . Macbegth has had no rest as his own mean adn thanes have constanlty defected from his cause , an his ultiamrt trsut int he withces also proves misplaced .
-They are ‘juggling fiends .’
-Banquo warned hima bout them in Act 1 and now Macbeth has experienced what Banquo predicted .