Thorax: Viscera (Pleura and lungs) Flashcards
compartments in thoracic cavity:
- 2 pleural cavities (lateral)
- mediastinum (central)
pleural cavity lined by:
- simple squamous cells (mesothelium)
- and ct
two layers of pleura:
- parietal
- visceral
name parts of parietal pleura:
- diaphragmatic
- costal
- cervical (covered by suprapleural membrane)
- mediastinal
pleural cavity: define features
- potential space btw layers of pleura
- contains layer of serous pleural fluid
- pleural fluid lubricates pleural surfaces
visceral pleura: features
- adheres to all surfaces of the lungs
- even lobes and lung fissures
- continuous w parietal pleura at hilum of lung
name pleural recesses:
- costomediastinal
- costodiaphragmatic
costomediastinal recess: location
laterally btw costal and mediastinal pleura
costodiaphragmatic recess: location
laterally btw costal and diaphragmatic parts of pleura
- deepest after forced expiration
visceral pleura: innervation and features
- insensitive to pain
- autonomic inn
parietal pleura: innervation and features
- sensitive to pain
- somatic innervation
lungs: name basic parts
- base
- apex
- costal, mediastinal and diaphragmatic surfaces
- ant/ post/ inf border
lobes of lungs:
R: horizontal and oblique fissures -> sup/ middle/ inf lobes
L: only oblique fissure -> sup/ inf lobes
bronchopulmonary segment: features
- anatomical, functional and surgical unit of lungs
- each segment has own blood supply, nerve supply, lymph and separated by ct
bronchopulmonary segments: R
bronchopulmonary segments: L
root of lungs: features
- principle bronchus
- pulmonary v
- bronchial v
- lymphatic v
- nerves
root of lungs: covered by
- pleural sleeve
- inf projection forms pulmonary lig
mediastinal surface lung: R structures
- heart
- inf vena cava
- sup vena cava
- azygos v
- esophagus
mediastinal surface lung: L structures
- heart
- aortic arch
- thoracic aorta
- esophagus
trachea: features
- commences in neck C6
- bifurcates at T4/5 (sternal angle)
trachea: difference btw R and L principal bronchus
R: wider, shorter, more vertical than L
- thus foreign particles more likely to enter R
list whole bronchial tree (8):
- primary (principal) bronchus
- secondary (lobar) bronchus
- tertiary (segmental) bronchus
- terminal bronchiole
- respiratory bronchiole
- alveolar ducts
- alveolar sacs
- alveolus
conduction portion ends:
terminal bronchiole
respiratory portion begins:
respiratory bronchiole
pulmonary alveoli: features
- basic structural unit of gas exchange
- 300 mil alveoli/ lung
- large SA
- wall is one cell layer thick
name lungs dual blood supply:
- bronchial aa
- pulmonary aa
lungs: bronchial aa function
lungs: pulmonary aa function
functional: exchange of gases
main innervation: lungs and visceral pleura
- pulmonary plexuses around tracheal bifurcation and main bronchi
innervation of pulmonary plexuses: formed by visceral efferent fibres from
- parasympathetic fibres (vagus n)
- sympathetic fibres (sympathetic chain)
parasympathetic fibres: function
- from vagus n
- motor to smooth muscle of bronchial tree (bronchoconstrictor)
- inhibitor to pulmonary v (vasodilator)
- secretor to glands of bronchial tree (secretomotor)
sympathetic fibres: function
opposite of parasympathetic
lymph drainage: features
- lymphatic plexuses communicate freely
- superficial (subpleural) and deep lymphatics drain into tracheobronchial nodes
mechanics of breathing: breathing
pulmonary ventilation
mechanics of breathing: quiet inspiration
achieved by muscle contraction
mechanics of breathing: quiet expiration
results from muscle relaxation
inspiration: features and muscles
- size of thoracic cavity increases
- diaphragm
- ext intercostal mm
- interchondral portion of int intercostal mm
list anterior chest divisions:
- anterior medial (midsternal lines)
- 2x midclavicular lines
list lateral thorax divisions:
- ant axillary line
- midaxillary line
- post axillary line
list post thorax divisions:
- post median (midvertebral) line
- 2x scapular lines