Head and neck: musculoskeletal features Flashcards
head consists of: (8)
- skull
- face
- scalp
- teeth
- brain and meninges
- cranial nerves
- special sense organs
- blood vessels, lymphatics, fat
scalp: list layers
- Skin
- Ct dense
- Aponeurotic layer
- Loose areolar ct
- Pericranium
scalp: aponeurosis of what muscles?
- occipitofrontalis
- temporoparietalis
- superior auricular
scalp: sensory nerve supply
- cervical
- cranial
occipitofrontalis mm: innervation
- facial nerve
scalp: blood supply branches
branches from:
- ophthalmic
- external carotid
scalp: opthalmic branches
- supratrochlear
- supraorbital
scalp: ext carotid branches
- post auricular
- occipital
- superficial temporal
eg. Langer’s lines
- natural crinkle lines of face
- incisions along these -> minimal scarring
face: unique features
- doesn’t have distinct deep fascia
- loose subcutaneous tissue -> fluid and blood accumulation (oedema and bruising)
- face lacerations gape
mm of facial expression: orbit/ eyebrow (2)
- orbicularis oculi (palpebral and orbital parts)
- corrugator superciliii
mm of facial expression: mouth (10)
- orbicularis oris
- zygomaticus major/ minor
- levator labiii superioris
- levator labiii superioris alaeque nasi
- levator anguli oris
- depressor anguli oris
- buccinator
- risorius
- mentalis
mm of facial expression: ears
- ant auricular
- post auricular
- sup auricular
mm of facial expression: scalp
- occipitofrontalis (occipital and frontal belly)
mm of facial expression: neck
- platysma
mm of facial expression: nasal
- nasalis (transverse and alar parts)
- procerus
- depressor septi
mm of facial expression: innervation
facial n
mm of facial expression: blood supply
- facial aa
- maxillary
- superficial temporal aa
mm of facial expression: nerves main branches
- temporofacial
- cervicofacial
mm of facial expression: cervicofacial branches
- buccal
- marginal mandibular
- cervical
mm of facial expression: temporofacial branches
- temporal
- zygomatic
mm of facial expression: lymph drainage
- submental nodes
- submandibular
- pre-auricular
- parotid
list mm move mandible (for mastication and speech)
- masseter
- temporalis
- lateral pterygoid
- medial pterygoid
boundaries of neck: superior
- superior nuchal line
- mastoid process
- mandible
boundaries of neck: posterior
- C7 vertebra
- acromion
- manubrium
- clavicle
fascia of neck: types
- superficial
- deep