The Protestant Reformation Flashcards
What drove the poor to hate the 16th century church
the prominent displays of wealth
What class were church officials in
the noble class
What happens to the sons of nobles
- first son gets everything
- second goes into military
- last gets into church
Why does the middle class resent the church in the 16th century
they think of them in the feudal system
Why do the monarchs envy the church in 16th century
envy of power
What describes the clerks at the times of luther
the clerks were uneducated and could not read the bible
What was the problem of leadership in church
people had multiple places of ruling
Why does the reformation start in the HRE
- long history of rulers
- strong centralized monarch struggled against these rulers
- rulers empathized with Luther and supported them
What type of priest was Luther
what type of degree did luther have
professor of theology at Wittenburg
where was luther from
he was from Saxonies
What causes luther to post the 95
Friar Tetzel selling indulgences
what is the 95 theses
95 arguments against selling indulgences
why is luther arrogant
the pope is not against indulgences
where did luther post his 95 theses?
On the door of the All Saints Church in Wittenberg
When did Luther post his 95 Theses?
who was the 95 theses addressed to
what were luthers only 2 options according to the pope
He said that Luther needs to recont or become excomunicated
what was luthers second doctrine
Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation
What is odd about the second doctrine of luther in regards to the name
addressed to the nobility, trying to win them over also addressed to the non existent german nations, appeals to nationalism that nobles wanted
what did luther remark as the first papal claim
the false claim of the pope being the political ruler of Germany
What was the underlying message of the first papal claim
the corruptness made them the political ruler, the church should not be in politics
what was the second papal claim according to luther
The popes claim they are the only ones who can interpret the bible
What was the third papal claim
only one that can call general church council is the pope
What is wrong with the third papal claim
That is the only way to change anything with the church and if the pope is in charge of that then it will not change
What is the third doctrine of Luther
On the Babylonian captivity of the church
What documents started the protestant church
On the Babylonian captivity of the church was the beginning and Confession of Augsburg was the groundwork
what was the main point of the third doctrine
Cannot find a biblical basis for 7 sacraments of catholic church, only 2
Which doctrine talked about class and what did it say
On the Babylonian captivity of the church recalled the separate priestly class in favor of priesthood of all believers
What is the 4th doctirne of luther
Confession of Augsburg
What was the point of the 4th doctrine
Confession is caused by faith alone
If confession is caused by faith alone, why do good works?
to prove your faith
What idea of authority did the 4th doctrine say
The bible was the ultimate spiritual authority
What was did the claim on the 4th doctrine about authority disprove
- not the papacy
- no need for saints pilgrimage and rituals
- no need for clergy to go between for man and god
- no need for Monasticism and clerical celibacy
In which doctrine Luther denied the idea of transubstantiation
4th Confession of Augsburg
What did the doctrines of luther do to effect the lower class
revolt against church led to massive peasant revolt, 50-60 thousand peasants killed by knights
Why did luther have to be born where he was
Charles V was ordered to kill him but he did not because he lived in Saxony and the head of the state of saxony was the uncle of Charles and did not want to give up him and was also a elector, this made it impossible for him to be captured by Chalres
Who is the leader of Saxony
Frederick the Elector of Saxony
What family was Frederick the Elector of Saxony
what family was Charles V
What are the reasons that luther did not lose?
born in saxony , Printing press , vernacular, Charles was distracted because of wars , appealed to german nationalism
What class did Luther have to have majority in to win?
Why did the nobles like the ideas of luther
they could not be excommunicated, they could take the land of the church and also get out of the holy roman empire rules
What was luthers 5th doctrine
Against the murdering and raping peasant mobs
What did Luthers 5th doctrine say
Denounced the peasant revolt of 1524-5 that eventually killed 70k
What were the ideas of the lutheran church
obviously protestant but also social conservative
who liked the lutherian church
upper class because of social conservativeness
What was the other main protestant church at the time
Anabaptist (2nd day baptist)
Main difference between anabaptist and the lutherans
anabaptist were extreme anti catholics
What was created in the break of the protestant revolt in order to protect protestants
Protestants took church land and made the League of Shmalkaldan to protect themselves from Charles V and Catholics
Who aided the protestants
Francis I of France
why is it weird that france aided the protestants
they are catholics but they just want to cause disruption in HRE
When was the war of the Protestants vs Catholics in HRE
What ended the war of Protestants and Catholics in HRE
peace of Augsburg
What did the peace of Augsburg say?
each ruler can choose own religon but only 2 options
what were the 2 options of peace of Augsburg?
catholic or lutheran
What is the historical significance of the peace of Augsburg
1st legal recognition of non catholic church
what is special about Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation
first time “german nation was used”, united the people and helped them realize italians shouldnt be ruling germans “throw off chains of a foreign ruler”
What leads to the peace of Augsburg (1555)?
First Schmalkaldic War 1546-1555
What was the response to the new sort of protestant churchs besides lutheran
they quickly took over majority
Who started Reformed Tradition Church
started by Ulrich Zwingli
Ulrich Zwingli before the break off did what?
catholic priest and denied that he had special powers
What 3 languages did the swiss speak
- North swiss speak german
- Middle speak french
- South speak italian
What was the main difference between the new Protestants vs Lutherans
wayy more radical
What items did the new churchs not like
no rituals, sacraments altars stained glass windows or images of saints, against robes
what did luther think of Ulrich Zwingli
Luther met with him but luther thought he was too radical
Who took over afterUlrich? and when
John Calvin 1531
what is john calvins real name
Jean Chauvin real name
Popularity of Calvanism
- spread very quickly
- lower class and middle class
What was the founding doctrine of the Calvanism church
Institutes of the Christian Religion by Calvin in 1536
Where was the headquarters of calvanism
Headquareters in Geneva and established a theocracy
Who was the head of the calvanist church
there was no head
What were the main differences between calvanism and lutherian
If there was no biblical basis for the idea, it was not in the church
What did luther find ridiculous about the church
they abolished Christmas and Easter, music and candles and they were all local churches
Which of the three churches have bishops
luther and catholic
What is the main difference between calvins and lutheran in theology terms
Central doctrine is predestination for calvins
what do calvins say about predestination
- Central doctrine is predestination
- Calvinist say that you are part of the elect and they will act in a moral way
- Out moral each other to prove to themselves they are part of the elect
What were protestants named in Switzerland
What were protestants named in England
Puritans and sepratist
What were protestants named in scottland
What were protestants named in France
What were protestants named in Denmark
Germand or Dutch Reformed
What denom was the most radical
What was the main cause of Anabaptist
- believed social reforms
- believes in adult baptism
- all individuals can interpret the bible for themselves
who believes in seperation between church and state
other more common names for anabaptist
baptist AQM amish quakers and mininites
What was the problem with catholics reforming
problem with reform was that the church viewed reformers as rebels or heretics
how did the HRE respond to the conversion of people
Charles V urged popes to call general church council to fix abuses that luther was using to convert people
What did the pope respond to Charles V request
denied it because he could lose power
Who and when was the first reforming pope
Pope Paul III 1534-49
What did the first reforming pope do
apoint educated clergy to the college of cardinals
created the society of Jesus or jesuits
Who were the jesuits
- catholic storm troopers
- all across europe to combat protestants
who headed the jesuits
headed by Ignatius Loyola
When and where was the church council that discussed the protestant reformation
Council of Trent 1545
What was the main problem with the council of trent
The council of Trent was too late to make any difference
What did the clergy disagree upon at the council of trent
the italian clergy thought that the church was not centeralized enough and the non italian clergy thought the opposite
what was the emphasis on at the council of clergy
too much emphasis on the persecution of the heretics not enough on reformation
what came out of the council of clergy
ended absenteeism, pluralism and abuses of indulegences
What did the popes do to the jews in light of the Protestant reformation
He said if they are not with us they are against us and put them in ghettos
What limitations did jews have following the protestant reformation
they could not own land or have servants that were chirstans, they also could not teach
What did luther think the jews would do
He expected them to convert to Lutherism
what did luther do when the jews did not do what he thought
Luther urged German princes to expel them and burn all their books
what did the jews do in remark of the lutherian comments
fled to poland because of the religous tolerance
What was the choice that the rulers of europe at the time of religous wars have to make
Rulers had to decide to champion religious calls of put politics over religion
What was it called when a ruler chose to put politics over religon and who was a example of this
- politques
- Elizabeth I
examples of people who put the church over politics
Mary I
Philip I of spain
Gustavus Adolphus of Sweeden
Oliver Cromwell
What family is Henry the 8th
Who was Henry the 8th og married to
Catherine of Aragon
Where was Catherine of Aragon from
What was Catherine of Aragons religon
Who did henry first go to in order to get a divorse
Cardinal Wolse
What happened when Cardinal Wolse asked the pope for a divorse
he denied him because the wifes aunt was part of the HRE and didnt want to split that
Who was the second person that gave advice to Henry
Thomas Cromwell
What did Thomas Cromwell say
Henry should start a new church so they could divorce
Who was henrys second wife
Ann Bolin
what is the name of the daugther from henrys second wife
Who was Henrys first boy
Edward VI
Who came after Edward VI and when
Bloody Mary 1553-1558
What did Bloody mary do as queen
wanted to bring back the catholic church and kill the protestants
Who comes after Bloody mary and when
Elizabeth rules for 1558-1603
What does Elizabeth do as queen
solidifes the C of E
What allows king henry to dispand from the pope
Act of Supremacy 1534
How does the king get the Act of Supremecy passed in 1534
- He bribes the Parliament with church land that would be available from splitting
- He also threats them
What church did henry create
The church of England aka Anglican church aka Episcopalian
What was the foundation of the church of england
6 articles created by the ministers of Henry
How was the church of England different from catholics
same service but the only change was replacing pope with henry
Who did Henry have executed after he preached against the church of england
Thomas More
What resulted from the religous and political impact of the HRE
there was no unified germany until 1871
Why was the protestant work ethic better than catholics
less holidays
What was the spanish economy post Protestant reformation
in the dump from executing the lower and middle class
what was the european exploration pre 15th century
limited to the mediteranian except the vikings who went to iceland greenland and canada
What caused the great inovation in ship desgins that led to the ability to use boats better
the crusades made it neccesary to increase boat production
What increases the knowledge of navigation that allows for exploration
the compas from asia from the crusades
who could fund the expeditions to the new lands
only new nation states
what was the main incentive to sail east
spice trade meant direct route to east was necessary to undercut Italians and ottomans who had the trade lines
What were the 4 main motivators of colony aquisition
desire for new trade routes, adventure and glory, land before other countries have it and religous missionaries
What 2 reasons did protugese have the lead when it came with expedition
Geography and Prince Henrys facination with sailing
What allowed Portugeese to start the Euro African Slave trade
trade relations with west african rulers whilst also forts and trading post
Who and when rounded the cape of good hope first
1487 with Diaz
Who was the first to cross indian ocean to east indies
Da Gama
What resulted from the trade route from portugal to east indies
a drop in population in city states, in 1504 spice in lisbon cost 1/5 of spice in venice, and inflation
Who discovers Brazil and how
Cabral gets caught in a storm and discovers Brazil in 1500
Who claimed carribeans and for whom
Columbus claims Caribbean for spain
Where did magellen land and die
Who beat the aztecs to death and with what
Cortez beat the aztecs with 600 men against 100000 in 1519
What allowed cortez to beat the aztecs
Guns, horses, Quetzalcoatl revenge
Who beat incas
What does this exploration do to the economy of spain
inflates it like crazy
Treat of Todesillas idea
pope drew a line signifying who got what
Who felt like they got the good plot of land in Treaty of Todeslillas vs who actually got it
Portugal and Spain
What is funded with the gold of spain and who did it
Prince Philip of spain used the funding to fund the cournter reformation against the protestants
What do the Dutch take and with whom
Henry Hudson takes Manhattan island and names is new Amsterdam
Who owns the east indies
Dutch, the dutch east indies comp
Who sailes for the eng and what do they take
John cabbott, an italian claims all the 13 colonies basically
What do the french take
only canada is left and ohio valley