society from 1880-WWI Flashcards
When was the peak for Europe in terms of world dominance
Who dominated steel production in the second industrial revolution
When/where was the first industrial power plant
1st electrical power plant built in britian in 1881
What came as a result for a newly electiraly powered europe
electrical lighting streetcars and subways
Who invented the combustion engine/car the year later
- German Gottlieb Daimler invested the engine
- 1887 1st car
Who and when was the first Desiel engine produced
1895 diesel engine invented by another German
What were the main 2 oil places in europe
Anglo-Iranian oil and Royal Dutch Petroleum
Where did all the oil come from in europe
large colonies
what tiers where the middle class split into
3, upper middle lower
Who were the upper middle class in the second industrial revolution
- Upper middle class was more wealthy than Nobles
- This is basically the top tier
Buisness owners IG
- This is basically the top tier
What was the main identifiers of the middle middle class in the second industrial revolution
- Middle class are the white collar workers
- means you have private schooling
What was the main identifiers of the Lower middle class in the second industrial revolution
- Lower middle class are new white collar workers
- named Petite Bourgeoisie
First country to give women voting
Norway was the only European country to give women the right to vote on national issues before WWI
Who was the main women for womens rights before WWI
Emmeline Pankhurst
Milicent fawcett
led national union for womens sufferage
What did divorce look like before WWI
almost impossible, man gets everything
What opens pre WWI that brings more women into the work force
Elementary public schools
Cult of Domesticity
- Women were supposed to stay home and raise children
- Usually arranged marriage for economics
Decline in birthrates among middle class families in second half of 1800s
industrialization decline farm families
First national recognition of Jews as citizens
1789 National assembly in France recognized Jews as citizens
What are pograms
Pogroms were organized attacks against Jewish communities in Russia
What did Britian finally allow for the jews in 1858
Jews were allowed to sit in Parliament in 1858
Last place to give Jews full citizenship
Austria Hungry gives citizenship in 1867
What leads to anti-Semitism in 1880s
Economic downturn in 1880s led to a rise in anti-Semitism
When was International working mens association formed, what did this stand for
- 1864 french and British trade unions formed International working mens association
- Marx gave the inaugural address
- marx rational approach appeals to Europe and Marxist became dominant strand of socialism
Fabian society
British society that stands for workshops, classless, no income inequality
Edward Bernstein
debated Marx in book Evolutionary Socialism; -Capitalism works if highly regulated form, Legal methods could achieve socialist goals
What was formed due to russian socialism, what was it based off of
- Constitutional democratic party formed in 1903
- made of liberal zemstvos members
- modeled after fabian, non revoultionaries
Vladimir Ulyanovv - Lenin, what did he create
built organization in exile and made a faction named Bolshevik in 1903
Revolution of 1905 Russia
- January 1905 Father Gapon led several hundred protesters to the winter Palace in St. Petersburg because the lack of food
- Tsars troops opened fire and killed 200
Groups of workers called soviets seized control of sections of St. Petersburg and issued the October Manifesto calling for constitutional government
Chief minister Stolypin cushed radicals
Who crushed Revolution of 1905 Russian radicals
Chief minister Stolypin
Father Gapon
led several hundred protesters to the winter Palace in St. Petersburg because the lack of food
Chief minister Stolypin
- encouraged private ownership
- end of the socialized farms mirs
- 1911 he is killed
Who took the spot of Stolypin when killed
- Monk Grigory Rasputin became a powerful influence at court with Tsarina
- He helped Tsars son who was a hemophilliac
Who were the impressionist
Edouard Manet, Claud Monet, Renoir, Degas
How to tell impressionist painting
a blur in the backround is impressionist
How to tell Degas
How to tell Renoir
a lot of yellow
What raised the literacy rate in europe
Public elementary school
Who has the worst literatcy rate in west europe
Spain (catholic Church)
who states mathmatical principles predict social behavior
August Comte
what is positivism
To evolve, man has to make scientific progress; englightended idea
Jules Verne
father of science fiction
Jules Verne books
- Five weeks in a ballon
- 20k leagues under the sea
- The Nautilius
HG Wells
- The Time Machine
- The war of the worlds
Charles Lyell
Geologist proposed that the earth was much older than the bible stated
Fredrich Nietzsche
Christianity glorified weakness rather than heroic living as required in the real world; attacked everyone
What did the french take back in 1905 that symbolizes the rise in secularism
Napoleonic Concordat
Why did Bismark attack catholic church
because they were a ruler and heigharchy
Bismarks failed attack on catholic church, greatest domestic blunder
result against Kulturkampf
Pope Piux XI produced Syllabus of Errors that argues against modern science
the dogma of papal infalliblity
1869 1st Vatican Council produced the dogma of papal infalliblity on matters of faith and morals; Pope always right
what lost all papacy power in italy
1870 papacy lost power when italian troops occupied Rome
Leo XIII Pope policy overall
pretty liberal, 1880-1900
Rerum Novarum 1891
Catholic thing to Pro Labor union and supported laws to protect workers
Catholic democrates
Very anti socialist and slightly right
Next pope after Leo XIII
Piux X
Piux X main reforms
reversed course and required all priest to take an anti modernist oath
Wilhelm Roentgen
Wilhelm Roentgen discovered xrays in 1895
1902 Ernest Rutherford
explained radiation and speculated immense store of energy
Max planck
quantum theory of energy
Albert Einstein
theory of relativity in 1905
Maire Curie
Maire Curie discovered radium and polonium; noble prize; 1st female professor at sorbonne
created at psycholoanalysis; Austrian jew who fled from nazi in 1938
Carl Jung
Freud student and said that earlier lifetime memories influenced personality; romantic
Count Arthur de Gobineau
essays on the inequality of the human races 1854
Houston Stewart chamberlain
biological determinism said that superior race can be developed
Mayor of Vienna Karl Lueger
anti semite and influenced Hitlers
Theofdor Herzl
- starts the Zionist movement
- the Jewish State
why did feminist get a bad wrap in early 20th century
associated with radicals, then WWI starts and conservative governments came in.
Literature in the early 20th cent
Realism; Flaubert and Zola and George Bernard shaw