Age of Nation States Flashcards
Russo Turkish war 1853 was over what
Moldavia and Wallachia (Romania)
Who wins Russso Turkish War
Result of Russian Turkish War
French and Britian declare war on Russia in 1854 due to the russians having an increased power in the Med.
What was goofy about the French + Brits and Russian war
they did not know where to fight
Florence Nightingale
volunteers to be nurses
Florence Nightingale effects
British creates a nursing corp
Port of Sevastopol
- Whoever gets this wins
- GB took it in 1855 and agreed to a peace treaty
Treaty of Paris in 1856
- Russians forced to withdraw from Moldovia and Wallachia
- renounce its protection of Orthodox Christians in the Holy land
- neutrality of the Back Sea
- humiliation of Russians
Who replaces Nicolas I
Alexander II
What does Alexander II do to improve russia
- Abolished serfdom in 1861
- Peasants would own land communally in mirs rather than by themselves
- Peasants greatly resent that
Italian Unification brings up what key questions
type of government
3 main types of governemnt that could be used for italy, who represents them
- Mazzini and Garibaldi
- who want a republic
- Catholic Priest Gioberti
- advocated a unified Italy under Papal rule
- Piedmont Sardinia
- Constitutional monarchy
What government comes out of Italy
Constitutional monarchy with Piedmont
Who is the most important person in italian unfication
What did Couvour advocate
Count Cavour of PM of Piedmont advocates for moderate nationalism
Who doesnt join the Italian states in creating Italy
Palpal states and Venetia do not vote in
When and who establishes Kingdom of Itlay
- Kingdom of Italy est. in 1861 with
- Victor emmanuel as king as Parliamentary monarch
What installs the idea of German unification
- Zollverein and italian unfication
- free trade zone by 1853 through all german states except austria due to prussia vetoing them
Otto von Bismark nickname
Iron Chancellor
How does Otto get austria out of unification
used German nationalism against Austria to get them out of unification
3 wars to unify germany
- Danish wars over Shleswig and Holstien
- Austro Prussian war
- War with France
Reasons for Danish war
made to appear the victim and Austria as the aggressor in order to make them not join
Reason for Austro prussian war
The major result of the war was a shift in power among the German states away from Austrian and towards Prussia
Reason for Prussian war with France
Get the lower german provinces to unite with them
Austrian weakness
Magyars independence
End of Napoleon III
Napoleon III abdicated after his capture and died in exile in Britian in 1873
Paris post Napoleon III
Parisians declare republic called for elections for a national assembly Paris worker revolt again and throw out Nat. Assembly, Proclaim the Paris Commune in March 1871, succeeding from France
Who runs france post paris commune
`Adolph Theirs
What led upto Paris commune
France lost the Franco Prussian war and they surrounded and starved out paris, they established a new government but then there was a workers revolt that succedded paris from france
what ended the paris commune
the Germans gave France their POWs to crush the radicals and they easily won and established a church
What monarchs were the national assembly thinking about implementing post paris commune
Bourbons and Orleons
What led to the creation of the third republic of france
The National assembly refused to put into place another monarch
When and where was the 3rd republic of france started
- 1875 constitution
- Real power is in the Prime minister
What was the first disaster of the 3rd republic of france
1889 Boulanger Affair was an coup from a high ranking leader that failed but was embarressing
What disaster humiliated the forigen policy of the 3rd republic of france
De Lesseps failure in Panama canal
Dreyfus Affair
- Capt. Alfred Dreyfus was the 1st Jewish officer to serve on the French General Staff
- Sold German info on plans and convicted of treason and sent to Devils Island, completely framed bc jewish
Who accused the government of congeing up on the dreyfus affair
Emile Zola wrote Jaccuse in 1898 and said the army framed him
How was Tsar Alexander II liked
hated by everyone
Polish Rebellion 1863 result
destroyed and made province of russia
2 types of russian philosphers
- Slavophiles
- Be proud your russian
- Westernizer
2 types of russian revolutionaries in late 1800s
- Lavriv and populism
- overthrow tsar and come from the people
- Peter Tkachev
- small revolutionary elite
Who assassinated the Tsar Alexander II in 1881
Peoples will, anarchist orginization
Tsar post Alexander II
- Alexander III becomes tsar
Alexander III Tsar main features
- is very conservative because his dad was killed
- strengthen police
When were the major surges of Industrilzation in Russia
1890 and 1860
1860 Industrilzation in Russia was caused by which main factors
- from Crimean war
- gov subsides the railroad industry
- Industrial suburbs around moscow and st. petersburg
- modernized millitary due to crimean war
1890 Industrilzation in Russia was caused by which main factors
- 2nd phase led by Western trained finance mister
- Built Trans Siberian RR to connect Moscow to Vladivotosk
- Coal and steel in the Ukraine and oil in the Caucases
2nd reform bill 1867 for Britian
- spanned by conservative Benjamin Disraeli
- gave the right to vote to 1 mil, all can vote for him
Who went back and forth in elections in britian in 1800
Benjamin Disraeli =William Gladstone
William Gladstone main reforms
Civil Service exams; - Purchase of officers commissions was abolished- Anglican requirements for faculty positions at Oxford and Cambridge were abolished- The Ballot Act of 1872 mandated the secret ballot- The Education Act of 1870
- 1st public school in europe
Public Health Act 1875
3rd Reform Bill 1884 In Britian
gave all adult males to vote
Who organizes the Voting Bloc in Ireland
Irish MP Charles Stewart Parnell organizes 85 MP into a voting bloc
Irish independece
- 1892 house of commons bill blocked by house of lords
- blocked until 1912 where a homerule bill gets passed when a bill stripped lords of veto power
- Labor and Conservatives are the parties
- Postponed by WWI
- Easter Uprising 1916
- Dublin was siezed by Irish Republican Brotherhood, Crushed
- creates martyars of Irish independence bc british murder 7 people
- IRA was the second uprising
- Dublin was siezed by Irish Republican Brotherhood, Crushed