The Alliance System and the road to WWI Flashcards
Three Emperors Leauge
Bismark formed in 1873, alliance with 3 of the 5 great powers
What destroys Three Emperors Leauge
Russo Turkish war of 1875 destroys it
Treaty of San Stefano
Treaty of San Stefano of 1878 freed the Slavic peoples of the Balkans from the Otomans
Reaction to treat of San stefano
- Austrians go nuts and say they took too much
- British Forced russia to an international conference to meet in Berlin
Desire to be in a fight
result of Congress of Berlin
All powers got territory off the expense of Ottomans, Russians mad at Germany
dual alliance
Germany signs a dual alliance with A-H in 1879, if one would get attacked by russia, other would help
triple alliance 1882
Italy asks to join germany and A-H
Reinsurance treaty
Germany w russia in 1887, both stay neutral if attacked
What is the cause of the fall of the Triple Alliance
Kaiser WIlhelm dies, Fredrick dies and Wilhem II inherits
Wilhelm II personal issue coping
Withered arm makes him more aggressive
What does Wilhelm II do to Bismarks Alliance
Resfused to resign with russia in 1890
Russia response to Wilhelm refusing to resign alliance treaty in 1890
signs treaty with France
How does Germany Provoke Britian
Builds large navy
1900 Admiral Tirpitz risk theory
If Germany Navy strong enough, Brits wouldnt even try
1902 Anglo Jap alliance with GB purpose
To defend brits holding in china against russia
1904 Entente cordiale with france
freindly and disputes against colonies were settled; between france and bri
1st Morocan Crisis, what happened
Kaiser went to Morocco and speech calling for Morrocan independence from france
Algerciras Confrence of 1906 result
1907 Brits sign agreements with Russia and the Triple entente was formed
What did the Serbs want to do before WWI
- Serbs wanted to create a slavic nation
- need parts of Ottomans and Austria
Young Turk 1908
wanted to modernize Ottoman empire
What made Russians and Serbs mad at Austria
annexed B-H
2nd Moroccan Crisis
- 1911 france shut down rebellion
- Kasier sent gunboat panther to protect non existent german people
1st Balkan war of 1912
Ottomans defeated by Greece, serbia, montengro bulgaria
2nd balkan war 1913
All the other regions ganged up on Bulgaria and took most of their gains from 1st war
Why is Albania Created
Austria does not want Serbs to get a port, calls international conference to create serbia
Assassinaition of Franz Ferdinand
In Bosnia and Gavrilo Princip trained by Serbs and killed him
Why does Franz Ferdiand death start WWI
Austrians tried to punish Serbia but was threatened by Russia and needed approval from Germany
THe Schlieffen plan
Germans go through Belgium
Schlieffen plan result
Britan enters the war to protect Belgium
Commander of the German army during WWI
was Helmuth von Moltke
What battle saves france in WWI
Battle of Marne
Russian Generals of WWI
Samsonov and Rennekampf
Where did General von hinderburg beat the russians
General von hinderburg was called into destroy the two russian armies at Tannenburg and the Masurian lakes
Who was Hindenburgs right hand man
How did Britian try to knock out the turks
black sea penninsula named Dardanelles was a key subject for them, turned disastrous.
first gas attack in WWI
German war at sea tactic
- German U boats try to sink Britian and starve them
- sank the Lusitania killing 1.2k
worst year of casuties
Falkenhayn german lost job because
Verdun did not stop France
Falkenhayn replaced by
What did brits do to help France in verdun
The Brits attack at the Somme river
German naval war - Jutland
Brits lost more ships but blockcade in tacked
Where did Russians attack in 1916
Russians General Brusilo attacks Austro Hungry in Ukraine
Relevance of the Brusilo offensive
- Relieved pressure on Brits and french
- almost destroyed the Austro Hungarian Army
- Demoralized the Russians
What strategy did German employ to starve britian out
Germans announce they will resume submarine warfare, bringing US into the war, this is a gamble
Who replaces Tsar Nicholas in 1917
French army in 1917
French army Mutiny in the Aisne River; Germans never found out about this though.
Messines Ridge
Haigs brought in minors to dig into german trenches and contained 1 million pounds of explosives
Germans shift to help Austrians knock Italy out of war; they ran out of supplies because they were demolishing
2nd Russian Revolution, how did germany start this
Bolsheviks sieze power; Germans sent lenin to Petrograd to disrupt provisional govt and it succeeded
Treaty that got Russia out of war/when
- Armistice signed with the Germans in December 1917
- Treaty officially Brest Litovsk signed in march 1918
The Ludendorff offensive plan
German plan to get to paris first before USA
Who is marshall Fosch
Marshall fosh is the supreme comander of the allies to cordinate defensive efforts
What stopped the Ludendorff offensive
Americans at Beallu wood
Who was the leading ace of WWI
Leading ace Manfred Von Richeofen (red baron)
Leading French Ace
Rene Fonck 75
Leading Brit ace
Billy Bishop 72
2 important German aces
Ernest Udet and Herman Goering
Very first Ace
Roland Garros
Leading american pilot
26 kills Eddie Rickenbacker
Volenteer group in WWI combat pilots
Lafayette Escadrille
Black day of german army
August 8th when whole units started to surrender
Last American attack in WWI
Saint Mihiel offensive
When was the end of the ottoman empire
ENd of WWI
What did Brits get of Ottoman empire
Iraq and Palestine
What did France get of ottoman empire
Syria and lebannon
Who forms republic of turkey
Kemal attuuck