Nationalism vs Liberalism Flashcards
What happens to belgium and netherlands in Congress of Vienna
put into kingdom of holland
what is congress of vienna
redrew europe
who dominated congress of vienna
what happens to prussia in congress of vienna
The Quadruple alliance (PEAR)
- Prussia
- England
- Austria
- Russia
What ends PEAR
The russians do not want poland to have a state because they want it, so Russians cut a deal with Prussians we get poland, prussia gets saxony. french was brought in by austria to keep hold of prussia and russia
What determines if you get a country
- Large enough pop to sustain economy
- signficant cultural history
- cultural elite that could spread language
- capacity to conquer nations
What problem do the irish have at the time
- direct rule in 1800 through members of parliament
- war to have independent nation
What causes Bourbon Restoration in france
Louis XVIII signed charter 1814 making himself const. monarch and keeping napoleonic reforms
what is Artois characterized as
wants more power, ultra royalist
Latin american independence people
Simon Bolivar in Venezula
What country was most afraid of new liberal ideas
Austria and the hapsburgs, they did not want unification or nationalism
- college students nationlistic and liberal society
Karl Ludwig Sand was a German university student and member of a liberal Burschenschaft. He was executed in 1820 for the murder of the conservative dramatist August von Kotzebue- Metterernich used excuse to rush and order casrlsbad decrees
What are the casrlsbad decrees
no more freedom of speech in universities
what was the political ideology of the government under lord liverpool
conservative in nature
what did lord liverpool pass that took away rights
coercive acts
what did the coercive act of 1817 do
limited habeis corpus and gather in large groups
Peterloo massacre
1819 Peterloo massacre 11 protesters killed, people demanded the right to vote.
parliament response to peterloo
parliament passes 6 acts that are repressive
critical factors in revolution
- majority of population
- outside assistance
What idea kept Europes revolutions from happening
Idea to use alliance to preserve existing governments of Europe
troppau protocol
issued between russia and prussia and austria to inteverene anywhere where they would be a revoltuion, and then crush it.
first example of troppau protocol in action
Austrias marched into Naples and crushed revolt
How did Britian react to Toppau protocol
British foregin minister Canning said Britian withdrew into splendid isolationism
Spain revolution demolition
- King Ferdinand VII in 1814 promised kept reforms like code napolean but once in power, dissolved regional cortes (regional governments)
- A group of young army officers rebel and force constitution
- French troops marched into spain and crushed the Spanish liberals Trocadero
massacre at chios
Bloody attack on turkish farmers by greeks in 1821, turkish army on island of chios and kills every person on the island
Who supported the Greek rev
britian and france
who aids turks in the fight against the greek rev
Treaty of London 1827
- brits and french send word to russians to help the revolution of Greeks
- led to battle of Navarino bay
Treaty of London 1830
- turks agreed to Greek independence
- Otto I son of King Bavaria became king of Greece
Lord Byron
british poet and fought in greek revolt
Serbia Revolution
- got out of ottomans in 1830
- nationalistic
- France Britian and Russia supported
The Decembrist Revolt cause
Liberal army officers saw how bad they were, Tsar alexander I died with no children, no one wants the tsar
How was the Decembrist Revolt put down
- Liberal army officer takes chance and led a revolt in St. Petersburg
- Constatine is going to be Tsar and set up consitiution
- Nicholas crushed revolt and takes throne
What is the result of the Decembrist Revolt
The new Tsar Nicholas was now very conservative and it put them down further
Law of Indemnity
French law by Artois to give back all land stolen by government to the old nobles
Law of Sacrliege
French law by Artois to make felony to hurt the church
How did the french revolution of 1830 start
- Charles removes liberal minister and replaced him Duke de Polignac
- 1830 election to more liberal victories
- Charles captured Algeria as a diversion and then issued the four ordinances
barricades went up in france
Result of the barricades put up by the french revolution of 1830
Charles X leaves throne after a day
July monarch
- Louis Philippe
- duke of Orleans
- named as new king and constitutional monarch
- Liberals moved fast to prevent sans coullote republic
- brings out Lafayette to confirm him
What does LP do when ruling
- brings back tricolor flag
- Anti clegical govt
- abolished censorship
- abolished the hereditary nobility
- merit based
- crushed workers revolt
- lay mitz was a play on the revolutions
- Louis Phillip takes Algeria and morroco
- Abd-de Kadar surrenders
cause of belgian revolt
Belgians suppressed of minority Dutch
Who was there to stop the belgian revolt and why diddnt they
Prussia could have but then France threatened to go to war with them if they did
Result of the Belgian revolt
- Leopold of Saxe Coburg was named king of Belgium
- Belgian neutrality was guaranteed by convention of 1839
How did Dukle of wellington avoid a potential revolution in GB
He passed a law to repeal test acts to make Daniel O connell able to take his seat even though he was Catholic
How did William VI avoid a potential revolution in GB
threatened the lords to back down and pass the great reform bill of 1832 to increase ammount of people who could vote
only succesful slave revolt
Sainte Domingue led by Toussaint Louverture succedded in 1804 Hati recieved independence
society had corrupted human nature
critique of reason 1781; if all humans possess innate sense of moral duty or awareness was not logic
wrote Lucinde, lived in hannover
faust; romantic quest for forbidden knowlegde or the occult
break away from C of E bc of enlightenment
Neo-gothic art
- new middle ages
- early romantic 1790
William wordsworth
wrote Lyrical Ballads and broke all rules
Women writers
- Percy shelley wrote love poems
- Mary Shelley wrote Frankistien
- Keats lyric poem with classical subjects
Samuel Taylor Colerifge
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
- poet historian
- encouraged cathoic revival in france
- neo gothic response in architeture
Madame de Stael
- daughter of Necker
- Bought the german romantics to france
Alexander Dumas
Three musketeers
Victor of Hugo
hunchback of Notre Dame Les Mis
Von Herder
- cultural nationalism
- wrote about german past
Sir Walter scott
historical novels like Ivanhoe
Alexander Pushkin
created modern Russian liertery language
classical to romantic
most romantic music
frederick Chopin
francisio Goya
Very good spainish artist
Liberty 1830 FR artist
Antoine jean Gros
recouting egypt napolean fight
- the phiospher
- great man theory of history
- individuals made a difference
Islam and the west
Re engerized protestants