Absoultism and Parliamentary Monarchy Flashcards
What role is the duke of sully in Henry IV court
Chief minister
How does the duke of sully help Henry IV
He appoints intendents, builds a canal system, and develops Corvee
How do the projects by Duke of sully help Henry IV
brings the king more independent power from the wealth generated
What did the intendents do that were appointed by duke of sully
often tax collectors, and army recruiters to cut out local noble in the feudal system
Why was a canal built under Henry VI
to bring a royal tax for more revenue
What is a corvee
a work tax that made 2-3 week of the year mandatory work on public good
Who is the throne passed to when Henry is assassinated in 1610
Louis XIII, but he is only 9
Who runs France when the 9 year old is in charge
Marie de Medicis
What 2 things did Marie de Medicis do whilst in office
Treaty of Fontainbleau, Cardinal Richelieu appointed Chief Minister
What is Treaty of Fontainbleau
alliance with spain
What was Cardinal R’s main goal
strengthen the monarch of France and France position in Europe
Raison D’etat meaning
National interest
What is Cardinals R’s local reform
He attacks the local court of france and wants them to be unified
Who did Cardinal R go after inside of France
sent army to La Rochelle to go after the Huguenots fortified cities
What did the peace of Alais do and when was it
1629 and it truncated the edict of nantes
Who is Anne of Austria
Louis XIV mother
What does anne of Austria do
appoints cardinal Mazarin, such a bad appointee others start to revolt
Who comes after Elizabeth in England
Elizabeth names James VI of Scotland as Successor
Why does Elizabeth name james the successor
feels bad for what happened to his mother, mary stuart
Why is James VI of scotland unpopular
he is not English, his mother is catholic
What power strugle does James VI have
Does not want to share power with congress
What does James VI do to avoid Parliment
imposes impositions aka custom duties
What are impositions
Taxes on imports to run the government without parliment
What is Hampton Court
When puritans went to James VI and asked him to revolutionize the C of E for more calvanist ways but he refused because Elizabeth refused also
Who is the last tudor
When did James I agree to KJB
What was James I hobby
Sports, creates book of Sports 1618
What did the pilgrims do when James I did not agree with them
fled to form colonies
What did James I do when they started to run out of money
Sold noble titles
What actions did James I do to reduce cost
sign peace treaty with spain in 1604 to reduce the chance of war, he also refused to send army in 1618 to HRE to help protestant causes
When does Parliment finally get a decleration of war against spain
1625 when james i is on his death bed
who comes after James I
Charles I
how are Charles i and james i similar when it comes to ruling
both did not want to have parliment
how does charles i avoid parliment
forces loans
what is Petition of rights
set to describe the rights of people and nobles; denied by charles i
Why was charles i convicted of treason
attempted to raise taxes without parliment
for how long and whom dispended parliament
Charles i dispanded parliament from 1629-1640
What are the 2 main causes of the english civil war
Charles unpopular marriage to a french catholic princess; Charles tries to convert scots to anglican church
What led to the long parliament
after charles dispanded parliament for so long, they kept it going becase they were afraid of it never being called back
Who were the main players of english civil war
Cavaliers and the round heads
What areas are for the cavaliers
more rural areas supported the cavaliers as they were for the king
Why did the Roundheads win
The new model army was a superior army
Where was the main 2 victorys of the Roundheads
Marston moore and Naseby
what happens to Charles I when he dies
he is guilty of treason and gets his head chopped off
What happens to parliament dirrectly after the king dies
Prides purge barred the prespeterians from entering parliament
Who is running parliament after prides purge
The Rump parliament
What is the Rump parliament
a puritan republic form of governemt
who leads the roundheads
Oliver Chromwell
What happens to the Rump Parliament
Oliver Chromwell dispands it and establishes the Protectorate
what is the Protectorate
Oliver chromwell declares himself a dictator
What happens after Oliver Chromwell dies
he tries to give his son, richard all the power but it does not work
Why cant Oliver give his son the power
the power is derived from the new model army and richard has no experience with the new model army
Who was also killed along with Charles I
William Laud, a favored archbishop that puritans hated
What 2 questions was the civil war fought over
Would eng become an absolute monarchy or parliamenary monarch; would the church be centerlized anglican or decentralized preperterian
who comes to restore monarch
Charles II
Clarendon Codes
1661-65, acts which excluded non Anglicans from serving in gov, had to follow book of prayer
How does Charles II distract everyone
focusing on forgien power
What is the Treaty of Dover
treaty with Louis XIV to fight the Dutch
What is the Test act of 1672
required all gov employees to deny transubstantiation
What is the real reason of Test act
Aimed at James II, charles brother, he was a catholic
How does Charles II get money
relies on custom duties and grants from Louis XIV
what in return did Louis XIV get from grants to Charles II
Charles would have to convert to Catholicism, converts on deathbed
What does James II do to help catholics when he got into rule
appoints catholics (illegal), asks parliament to take back test act (they dont) and issuses the Dec of Indulgences to give catholics more rights in government
What does James II do to prove he is protestant
marries daughter mary stuart to William of Orange
why was it unfortunate that james II had a baby boy
because he would get to rule rather than the protestant queen
What does parliament do after James II has a baby
Whigs and torries invite William of orange to invade england
What happens to James II as William of Orange invades in the glorious revolution
james flees to ireland because they are catholic
what is the result of glorious revolution
William and mary and named monarchs and they sign the bill of rights saying there will never be a cathloic king ever again
What is the Battle of the Boyne
James II forms Jacobite army on ireland and william defeats them in boyne river in ireland
where does james flee to after battle of boyne
who supported William in the battle of the boyne
What is the act of settlement say
Parliament gets to pick who rules after William and Mary die. They pick Protestant House of Hanover after the protestant stuart line dies out
Who is the last stuart to rule
Anne, dies in 1714
Who gets throne after the last stuart
George I of Hanover
What follows the 30 years war in france
Noble Revolt against the monarchy
What is the cause for the Noble revolt in france
After the 30 years war, they come back and find that the king is 9 years old and a forgiener was ruling france
what kicked off the noble revolt
the fronde was kicked off by Mazarin arresting duke of conde
Who leads the royal army in the noble revolt
Marshall turenne
What is the result of the Noble revolt
just 3 years post revolt, the king is asked to return
what does louis learn from the noble revolt
never to trust the nobles
What does Louis do when in power to defend against another revolt
moves capital in versailli and never replaces Mazarin, chief minister when he dies in 1661
who is Mazarin
Louis chief minister
What skills allows Louis to rule france
he is a master of propoganda and street smart
How does Louis establish order throughout France
he allows regional parlemts to keep power
What did Louis believe he was
Gods Lieutenant
How is Louis different from other rulers at the time, and what does he say to prove it
He rules everything, “I am the state”
What determinant holds Louis back from more control of the people
due to medieval agreement, he could not tax the nobles
who was Louis financial officer
What was Colberts vision for France
mercantalist policy, expanded colonization with trading companies
What is Louis first mistake
Revokes Edict of Nantes in 1685
How does Revoking the Edict of Nantes affect France
Causes the rest of the Huegnots in France to leave, this is there middle class and hurts france because of that
Why are the Hugenotes more valuable than Catholics in france
they work harder and more days per year, they also were officers that helped other countires when they left
why does Louis want his nobles in versailli
to control them
What power dynamic changes in Europe
No longer religous alliances, just alliances against too powerful countries
How does the armies in France differ from the rest of Europe
They create the first standing army
Who are the minister of wars for France under Louis XIV
Le Tellier and Louvois
How was France army different from others
Ranks for comoners, standardized uniforms with strict drills and had infaltry
What is Louis foriegn policy goal
Take the natural frotntiers of Europe
First war that Louis used his army for
Wars of Devolution
purpose of wars of Devolution
France wants to take Spanish Netherlands
Who is on the side of spanish for the wars of devolution
England Sweeden and Dutch, religion does not matter at this point
What is the second war of France
Dutch war
Result of Wars of Devoltution
France got city of Lillie in t Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle
Who is on what side for the Dutch war
England and Spanish initially agaisnt the Dutch
What causes England to switch from France to dutch side in the war
France declines a large offer of money and land, england sees as a grab of power and switches over
Who is against France after the refusual in the Dutch war
England, Spain , Austria and william of orange all agaisnt France
What was Louis second big mistake
refusal for Dutch land
What does the Treaty of Nijmen say
Louis forced to recognize Dutch as independent, France replaces Latin as dominate language
What is the reason behind war os leauge of augsburg
Get german states along rhine river
Major battlke during League of augusburg
Denain battle with marshall villars
What is formed to stop france in 1688
League of Augsburg, Austria, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands, Bavaria, Saxony , England
What does the treaty of Ryswick say
Louis has to return all land after the Leauge of Augsburg is formed, and recognize William as king of england rather than James II
What bankrupts france
millitary, 76 percent of budget
cause of the war of spanish succession
King Charles II of spain dies w no children and names Louis XIV grandson as succesor, Louis accepts but the rest of europe was not with it
what is formed to prevent France and Spanish alliance, and who is with france
Grand alliance with England Netherlands, Austria, Prussia, and protugal, Spain and Bovaria are Frances people
What is the Act of Union
united England Scotland wales and france in 1707
Who leads union army in spanish succesion war
John Chuchhill the duke of Malborough
Where does John Churchill defeat France
Belheim in 1704
what is Malplaquet
the largest battle of the spanish war of succession
Who lead both sides with how many people
100k under Malborugh and Eugene of Savoy and 90k under Marshall villars
Who won Malplaquet
British won but lost double amount of people
What makes England drop out of the Spanish succession war
Charles VI was leader of HRE and was going to take the throne of spain if France did not take it, so Britian drops out
What is the treaty of Utretch
ended the war of spanish succession
What were the main things in the treaty of Utretch
Phillip V recognized as king of spain but could never unite with France, Louis CIV recogonizes Hanover George I as king of Britan, land in europe cededd to britian, spanish netherlands given to austria, britian keeps gibralter
Who lost the war of spanish succession
Spain and france