Age of Religious Wars Flashcards
Why is it named Hugenots
- Bescancon Hugues
- political leader in geneva
Population of people that are hugenots at this time
1/15 of pop goes hug
population of nobles that are hugenots
2/5 of nobles goes hug
What wars distracted Charles
Hapsburgs vs Valois Wars
What ended Hapsburgs vs Valois Wars
Ended in 1559 with Treaty of Cateau Cambresis in 1559
What was the Hapsburgs vs Valois Wars reason
Northern Italy control
How was Henry II wounded
Henry II mortally wounded in jousting accident
Where did the throne go post Henry II
- Throne went to unprepared son
- 15 year old Francis II
Who ruled when Francis II was in the king
Catherine de Medicis took over
What did Catherine de Medicis try to do with religon
Tries to reconcile Catholic and Hug
who comes after Catherine de Medicis
second son Charles XI who is only 10
Who are the three powerful families that try against the throne
Who leads Bourbons
Prince De conde
Who leads Montmorency
Admiral de coligny
Who is a Guise
- Duke
- General
- 2 cardinals
- Queen of scotts
- Catholic champions
Which of three families turn Hugenots
Bourbons and Montmorency
Why does Catherine side with Protestants
Less of a threat
What allowed hug to worship publicly in outside towns
1562 January Edict
What led to the massacre at vassy
Duke of Guise came across Hugs worshiping in vassy and led to the start of the wars of religion
when did the duke of guise get assassinated
a year after massacre at vassy in 1563
When was Prince de conde assassinated
What settled some of the Religious warfront in France in 1570
Peace of St Germaine en Laye in 1570
What did Peace of St Germaine en Laye in 1570 do
Hugs get religious freedom in certain towns in western France
What led to the St. Bartholomews day massacre
Fearing an all out protestant victory the queen turned to the Guises and planned to end the war once and for all - Sends word to Burbound to end war
- invites them to marry daughter
- killed them all except bourbond
Who are the three henrys
- Henry III
- third son of Catherine
- Henry Duke of Guise
- son of one assasinated
- Henry of Navarre
- Bourbon
- married to Catherines daughter
What is the Day of Barricades
outwardly spontaneous public uprising in staunchly Catholic Paris against the moderate, hesitant, temporizing policies of Henry III.
What was the result of the Day of Barricades
- the holy league forced Henry III to flee Paris
- Henry III allies with Bourbon and has guise assassinated
How does Henry III die
- Dominican Friar stabbed Heny III stabbed to death 1589
- Henry was now a hug at that point
Why did Bourbon win nobility
everyone else died/assassinated
When did Henry of Navarre rule from
What did Henry of Navarre due when he ruled france
converted to catholic because his subjects were catholic
What created controversy under the rule of Henry of Navarre
He signed Edict of Nantes granting people equality and was assassinated by a catholic fanatic because of it
Who were the main English pirates
John Hawkins and Francis Drake
Why did Elizabeth send troops to netherlands
to aid with the rebellion against spain
what treaty allowed Elizabeht to make an alliance with dutch
Treaty of Nonsuch 1585
Who was the father and mother of Mary stuart
king james of scotland and mary guise
Why did mary come to Elizabeth
she forced everyone to be catholic in scotland and fleed and left son King James VI as king
Why does Elizabeth not want mary to become queen
she is catholic
Why did Elizabeth execute mary
she threatened to kill her
Who uncovered marys plan to kill the queen
Francis Walsingham
Difference of ships between english and spanish
English had cannons and were slower than the fast and moving spainish ships
Who was ruling spain during the England vs spain times
Phillip II of spain
why was Phillip II running spain
Hapsburg Son of Charles V, Charles split HRE in half and gave half to Phillip and other half to brother
Where was Phillips palace
named Escorial and was outside of Madrid near monastery
Why was Armada launched
to remove Elizabeth by force
What made spanish look good in 1580
annexing portugal
Why couldnt spain get to Elizabeth
protestant winds - massive storm wrecks armada
When was the 30 year war
Was the 30 years was a religious war
yea and nah
What kicked off the inital phase of religous 30 year wars
Frederick becomes elector of the Palatnate and makes it a calvanist state
Who decided to rebel against Fredrick of Palatnate
Maximilian of Bavaria
What did Maximillian do against fredrick
organized catholic leauge with jesuits
what led to the Bohemian phase of 30 year war
Ferdinand inherits Bohemia in 1618 and revokes rights of all protestant subjects
What resulted from Ferdinand inheriting Bohemia
- Protestants revolt
- throw two ministers out a 5th story window
- The Defenestration of Prague
Who was chosen as the king after Ferdinand
Frederick of Palatinate
What did Ferdinand do after being kicked out
Ferdinand was elected in the HRE and returns with a vengance
Who attacks Palatiate
Spain Bavaria and the elector of saxony
What ended the Boehim phase
Catholic Genreal lily crushed Fredericks army at WHite moutain in 1620 ending the Bohemin phase
What starts the Danish phase
- King Christian of Denmark
- invades the Northern HRE to help Protestants
Why did Christan actually invade HRE
wanted more land
What happens when Christian invades
Easily beaten back to Denmark
Why was Maimilian thrown out of power after winning
HRE Ferdinand now afraid of Maximilian growing power turns his armies over to a mercenary von Wallenstein
What did Ferdinad do in response to Wallenstiens 100000 man army dominating HRE
Ferdinand issued the edict of Restitution in 1629
What did Edit of Restitution do
pay back millions for crimes against catholics
Who starts swedish phase
- King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden
- Protestant champion
- Lutheran
Why did King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden come to invade
religous reasons; machiavelli would not like that
Who funded Aldophus
- Adolpus was Bankrolled by Dutch and Cardinal Richelieu from France to weaken HRE
What battles did Aldophus win
He won a great victory for the Protestants at Breitenfeld in 1630 that probably saved the Protestant cause in HRE
Where did Aldphus die
GA killed in 1632 at Batlle of Lutzen by Wallenstiens army
What happens to Wallenstein and his army
Ferdinand has him assassinated because he was jealous
What ends the 30 years war
Peace of Westphalia
What does the Peace of Prague say
The protestant HRE princes want to drop out of the war but they want to stop reparations
Who and why keeps the 30 years war running
Richelieu because it makes HRE more weak
Where was the French army sent at the beginning of the French phase
Richelieu sent the French army into the HRE to aid the Swedes
What causes the Peace of Westphalia
Stalemates that just kill everyone
What did the Peace of Westphalia call for
rescinded the Edict of Restitution, legal status to Calvinist, recognized switz and netherlands and gave freedom to german princes to rule their own way
Who were the winners of the 30 year war
France, Calvanist and Austria and Brandenburg
Who were the losers of the 30 year war
- HRE emperor
- catholics
- the citizens
- Sweeden army
when did francis I reign?
when did henry ii of france reign?
when did charles IX of france reign?
when did francis ii of france reign?
when did Henry III of france reign?
when did henry IV of france reign?
What was the response to the besiegement of Vienna
1571 the holy leauge
When and where was the start of the Ottoman turkish threat
1529 Turks besieged Vienna
who made up the Holy leauge
Spain, venice and pope
What did the holy leauge send to do
sent fleet under Don juan of Austria to confront turks in mediterranean
Who is Don Juan
Don juan is Phillips illegitament half brother
Where did don juan and turks meet
Result of Lepanto
largest naval battle of 16th century of Lepanto
Great Christan victory as 39k turks were killed
Richest part of Phillips empire
Who was in charge of the Netherlands
Phillips Half sister Mararet of Parma
Who did Margeret of Parma appoint into lieutenatn
Duke of Granvelle
What harm did margerat of parma do to the Netherland states
turned the semi autonomus states into loyal subjects
nicknames for William of Nassau
William the silent
What did William of Nassau rule
Prince of Orange
What is the comprimise
where dutch nobles from Calvanism and lutherism come together to fight back agaisnt Margret
Phillip II response to the Comprimise
sent the Duke of ALba to suppress them, also taxes for cost of suppressing the revolt
Duke of Alba nicknames
prince of blood and council of blood
When did the netherlands revolt turn into all of the provinces
1576 when spanish looted antwerp killing 7k
What united netherlands to fight against Margerete
The pacification of Ghent
Who led the forces against netherlands at the end
Don Juan but defeated
Result of the netherlands revolt
Unuion of Utrecht
what is the union of Utrecht
norhtern 7 netherlands form union
what is the union of arras
the southern 10 of netherlands form union
what are the Hapsburg-Valois Wars?
The war between French and the Spanish Habsburg. settled in 1559 when the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis was signed. Spain was the victor. a major distraction for Charles V
what is the massacre of vassey?
massacre that started the period of religious wars in France, 63 huguenots were burned alive inside their church
Catherine de medici married her daughter ____ to ________
marguerite, henry ii
why did Catherine marry her daughter to henry II?
to try to kill him in the morning at st Bartholomew’s
Philip responds to the execution of mary by…
launching his armada and removing elizabeth by force
Lepanto 1571
Place in England where Don Juan became governor, spanish victory made them seem invincible
philip ii daughter is?
what is the most conservative germanic state?
when fredrick the elector of palatine makes calvinism the official religion
what were the four phases of the 30 years war?
Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, French
what was the battle of Breitenfeld?
In 1631, the combined Protestant forces under Gustavus Adolphus defeated Tilly’s imperial Catholic army at this place near Leipzig. saved protestant cause