French Revolution Flashcards
Louis XIV chief minister
rene Maupeou
What was Louis XIV cheif minister supposed to do to save the country
break power of paraments and tax nobles
What do the Parlaments say that they need power to do
they need power to check the king, right of remonstrance
What was the first tax that was tried in order to tax nobles
Vigtime tax, parla refused to sign
What was the response of Manapeou when the parlaments refused vigitme tax
Use army to force them out of position
What was the result of Manapeou forcing out of position
Louis XVI comes in power and fires him and gives back power due to popularity
Who was Louis XVI first hire
Jacues Turgot for controller general
What does Jacues turgot do while in office
installs income tax, parlaments refuse to sign it
What is the old regime named
Ancien Régime
what are the three estates
1st clergy, 2nd nobles, 3rd commonersw
who comes after turgot
what does necker do while in office
he denies the idea of financial ruin and gives money to AR to prove it
Who comes after Necker
who comes after calonne
De brinne
what does caloon do in office
call the assembly of nobles to tax them
What does the assembly of nobles do when brinne calls them to tax them
passes the buck and says taxes cannot be passed unless an estate general is called for
How was estates general conducted
6 blood princes of the king and a house of represenatives for each estate came to vote, everyone had to bring notebooks about what their people wanted
What does Abbe Sieyes do before the estates generakl
passes out “ what is the 3rd estate” posing 3 questions about the 3rd estate
what were the 3 questions in what is the 3rd estate
what is the 3rd estate? everything. What has the third estate been? nothing. What do they demand? something.
How does the Estates general begin?
started to vote by estate, 3rd estate refuses to do so and others in the first and second estate such as the AR nobles leave to join their side. Call themselves the national assembly
How does Louis deal with Estates general
He says that there is no place to hold the rest of the general, therefore they cannot go on with the hearing.
what is the result of Louis actions at the beginning of the estates general
Tennis court oath
What is the tennis court oath
everyone agreeded to stay until there was a written consitiution. Jean-Sylvain Bailly said this
How did Louis respond to the tennis court oath
Caves in and told the noblity and clergy to meet with 3rd estates, but orleans already beat him to it and joined
What did Louis do after the mistake in tennis court oath
calls in german and swiss mercenary to remove them by force.
What is the result of louis calling mercenaries to remove the 3rd estate by force
storming the bastille July 14th
Louis Brothers
Count of Provence and Artois
What does Artois do post 3rd estate
flees and becomes immigrant
What document kept this revolution
decleration of rights of man and citizen
What was the great fear
July 20th-Aug 6, Peasants panic and they strike out of worry at Chateauxs
What did Nobles do when the peasants demanded things
they did not give them the list of dues that the peasants wanted in order for them not to pay taxes and their chateauxs were burned down, immigrated
What is Bordeaux
Town council removed by force adn replaced by committe of patriots
What is womens march
october 5th when the women had a bread shortage and they went to the king for help, joined by other criminals.
Result of the womens march
the crowd was barley contained by laffayette and they break into versallii killing 30 guards, they demanded king to be in paris so he went.
Why was Louis in paris significant
this was the capital and national assembly was moved to paris for the people, becomes more radical
What does the assembly do after Louis comes into paris
assembly abolishes old regions of france and creates a more logical map
what are teh different clubs of the assembly
Jacobins and Girdons, both very radical
What is the Bouregeoius Revolution
Both clubs are antiaristocrate and all hereditary titles of nobility are demolished by natl assembly June 19th
What is the first mistake of the natl assembly
made enemy of the church
What was the CCC
Natl assembly Passed the CCC that went after upper clergy (1st estate) and demolished arch bishop
what are Assignates
Natl assembly moneythat nationalized church land to back their bonds up with
How did the Natl assembly deal with the preist
made them vow loyalty to the revolution, loft half the population, employed by the state
What does the assembly change in October
adopts Metric system
Who does Louis write to in order for them to get him out of paris
Writes to Charles II of spain to respond with the millitary
Who does MA write to in order to get them out of paris
Joseph II
Who was the pope during the revoltuion
Pope Pius VI
Louis escape plan
tries to leave but Lafayette comes in to talk and MA gets her clothes and leaves in a large carriage
How/where was Louis caught when trying to escape
Stoped for lunch and Postman sees the king and the Natl guard comes in to capture him in Varrene
What did Danton say on the monarch
Louis should no longer be monarch and there should be an executive council rule. Also says they should stop killing people
What is the Sans culottes
Lower class club
Duke of Orleans during the revoltion
had a chance to become the king
Voltaire ashes
Carried to the Pantheon
What happens as the king is suspended for treason for trying to leave
jacobites walk out die to anger of too light of sentence
Dec of Pillnitz
Leopold of Austria and Fred William II sign warning them not to harm the king
What was the first consitiution signed by Louis about?
set up consitiutional monarch similar to what America was doing. Girdidons set it up
Difference between Girdions and Jacobites during the inital constitution
Girdions want war and Jacobites do not
Brunswick Manifesto
prussia threatan to burn france if harm is done to king, this makes him look dangerous. 1792
What leads to the end of Louis?
Sans Culotes mob decides to remove Louis and attack Tuileries palace, the guards let them go and they kill the guards and then go get him in the house down the road
What is set up after the death of Louis
Legislative assembly calls for male election to a national convention to run france with the consitiution
where are the monarchs placed after being caught by sans culotes mob
Temple prison
Where did Laffayette go?
flees country to go to austria
What is the September massacre
The mob empties the prisons in paris and kills all the nobles in order for them not to be recaptured by the prussians 1792 pre brunswick
What is the only battle in the revolution
Battle of Valmy
what happens in the battle of valmy
prussia retreats after not trying hard to recapture the nobles
What are the percentage of nobles alive in 1790 vs 1794
90 percent down to 4 percent
When was the first French republic
21 September 1792 the national convention
What happened to Louis trial
guilty for treason, penalty by death by one vote
Who wanted Louis to die
Jacobins and the Sans culotes
how did the jacobins humiliate Louis before his death
named him citizen capet
How was france holding in their forigen policy during the revoltuion
Held onto many people due to draft, also declared war on Britian, Netherlands, and spain
What was the first revolt of the revolution?
revolt in the vendee
where was the revolt in the vendee
La Rochella
What was the revolt in the vendee
Revolt of the revolution by the catholic and royal army, because of their desperate situation
What is the convention of committee of public safety
It is where the sans culottes invaded and killed all girdon members for not being radical enough
who led the committe of public safety
Danton, Robspierre and carnot
What is the first thing that the committe of public safety do?
the levee en masse to draft people for war
who is in control under what philosphy during the comittee of public safety
jacobins led with a republic of virtue, everything was justified through the state and public good
When did the reign of terror start
Sept 1793 with republic of virtue starts killings
Olympe de Gouge?
declaration of rights of women and was arrested and killed
how did the republic deal with religion
tried to establish a new calendar for real world things, changed churches into temple of reason
MA trial
put on trial and killed the nest day for treason and other crimes like sexual assult, hated more than king
New laws from comittee of public safety
the Law of Suspects passed on 17 September 1793 death sentence for nobles, clergy, and anyone suspected of being against the estate. and the Law of the General Maximum, for maximum limits of prices.
How did the public saftey deal with colonies
passed a law to abolish slavery in french colonies
What happens to the Jacobins as they continually progress with killing everyone
robes kills the other leaders like herbert and danton for more power
very radical but critized robes so he was killed
what is the new religion set by robes
cult of supreme being
death of marat
famous painting by david, dipectes marat being murdered by a girdon charrlotte corday giving an interview
what ended the terror
the thermidorian reaction, conservative force
what was robes mistake when addressing the convention
said that their were traitors upon them and they will be punished
result of robes convention mistake
legistalors went to robes in the night and guillotined them and his other friends
what is after robes death
directory government
what is the white terror
the last execution sweep, killing all robes friends
what is white vs red
red always extremist
what did the directory government set up
bi cameral, council of electors, council of 500, 5 directors and established property qualifications to vote
what was the result of the draft
put 1.2 million people into the armies
what is the problem with the direcotry government when it comes to politics
too moderate
first attempt against directory
royalist uprising was put down by Napolean using cannons and the whiff of grapeshot
second attempt against directory
society of equals by Gracchus Babeuf
style of art during this time
Neoclassical, roman, greek, collums
What are the two governments during this time
the national convention with robes (committe of public safety) and then the directory