Renaissance Flashcards
What defines the Dark ages
1000 years post Roman Empire
Who coined the term Dark ages
Francesco Petrarch
Why was the dark ages named the dark ages
it was a period of supposed no learning or culture
What was the overall idea that boosted the medieval ages into the Renaissance
Disasters of 14th centuries made more people want the political order and the cultural coherence of ancient Rome. This drive, supplemented by the innovated ideas of expressing opinions, gave them the opportunity for a Renaissance.
What were the disasters of the Medieval ages, and why were they important
It seemed as if the apocalypse was here because the four horseman of the apocalypse happened.
- famine
- caused by 13th century small ice age
- disease
- black death came out of china
- death
- Lots of death
- war
What cultural innovations led to the Renaissance
Use of Vernacular and Humanist
What is the significance of new Vernacular
Began to express ideas for themselves rather than relying on popes
What was the first use of Vernacular and what dialect
Dante Divine Comedy was the first writing with Tuscan dialect
Who were the Humanist
humanism promoted the idea that humans are at the center of their own universe and should embrace human achievements in education, classical arts, literature and science
How did guns affect society
led to the dismissal of Feudal system and therefore Renaissance
What slowed the progress of the Renaissance in general
Conservative forces that had a vested interest in the way things were because it made them successful.
What was the churches affect on the development of the Renaissance
The grip that the church had on life and there resistance to change.
What was the point of the Feudal system and how did it affect the development of the Renaissance
knights are there for “protection” and it stunted the renaissance because it gave a hierarchy that reminded the plebs of their place
What lessened the churches authority
Damage done to Church’s reputation led to the lessened authority of the church.
What event led to the destruction of the churches reputation
1309 Pope Clement V moved the papacy from Rome to Avignon in southern France
How was the church affected by the move from rome to avigon?
Schism when there were two popes at the same time half went back to Rome and half stayed in France, crisis was resolved with General Church Council
What was the Black Deaths role in the development of the Renaissance
new people with new ideas come into society because a 1/3 of everyone dies
what is the difference between medieval and Renaissance art?
Medieval is flat and about religion, Renaissance is rounder.
Why did the renaissance start in Italy
Northern Italy had geological advantage of being in the middle of the trading along with being less dragged down by the church.
What was the direct effect from the Geological advantage that italy had
Merchants became more wealthy therefor had more free time to invest into the arts.
What did the church’s power look like in italy
“the nearer the people are to the church, the less religious they are” - Machiavelli; Close proximity revealed the corruption of the church
who was De’ Medici
He acted as a dictator in Florence and acted as he wanted to have a good life now, very Renaissance idea
What was the difference between northern and southern Renaissance
Northern emphasized religion more
in what areas is it counted as northern europe? (in terms of Rennissance)
German areas, France , Switzerland
who made advances in math and science in northern Renissance
Johann Muller and Nicholas Cusa
Who discovered the sun centered theory
What happened in personal faith in northern europe during the Rennissance
An evolution into mysticism created more people talking to god on their own
Who created a movement in norther Europe for personal virtues in the times of Renaissance
Gerard Groote a Dutchman
Who created a movement in norther Europe for greater spirituality in the times of Renaissance
Eckhart and Kempis
Who lead the movement of Christian Humainism
What book was viewed as a satire on the absurdity of the church in northern Europe and the author
The Praise of Folly by Erasmus
Why was the Renaissance in England delayed from the rest of Europe
inner political turmoil led to a later start in Renaissance; war of roses between houses of York and Lancaster
Who and what book was written as a critic of the England institution?
- Thomas More
- Wrote Utopia
how was the election of the king in HRE conducted?
- 7 electors of the king
- 4 rulers
- 3 bishops
how was France conducted during the Renaissance
They had a series of strong kings and national land task
What book attacked the abuses of French society and church?
Rabelais, a priest wrote Gargantua and Panagrue
Why did spain have little impact on the Renaissance
It had a super catholic doctrine, as did the polish
What took alot of the time of the Spainish
Moors, they had many wars with them, with the goal of driving them out
What significant thing happened in 1492 with the moors in spain
Moors driven out of Granada
Who drove the moors out of spain?
Ferdinand and Isabella
What book was written as a satire of spains glorification
Don Quixote by Cervantes
who was the father of humanism
where was a revival of greek studies happening
Florentine Academy
what is the significance of the Donation of Constantine
Lorenzo Valla said it was a fake and that the pope had no rule over anything
Which book describes hoe nobles should act and acts as a manners handbook?
Castiglione “The Courtier”
What is the idea that education should serve the state
Civic Humanism
Which book shows how to rule subject
the prince by Machiavelli
What causes the decline in city states
other markets dropping the price of spices, they are generally too small
Who takes Naples in the renaissance era
Charles VIII marches through Italy into Naples to take it
Who forms the second wholy league
Pope Julius II with Ferdinand of Aragon formed 2nd holy league in 1511