The personal dictatorship Flashcards
What did Mussolini do in the final fascist congress of 1925?
Banned internal arguements
What did the 1925 Vidoni Palace Pact do?
Outlawed independent trade unions
What did Mussolini suppress in 1926?
Opposition newspapers
What was Mussolini able to do in 1926?
Make laws without the consent of parliament
What did parliament lose the right to do in 1926?
Debate, propose laws or criticise the government
How did Mussolini increase his control in 1928?
All appointments to the fascist party had to be made by the party headquarters in Rome, controlled by Mussolini
What did the Lateran agreements of 1929 to?
Improve relations between fascism and the catholic church
What happened to parliament in 1939?
It was replaced by the chamber of fasces and corporations
What is a personal dictatorship?
A regime where a single person, rather than a party or team of ministers, holds total power. This individual can make laws and arrest opponents at their own will
What function was parliament actually there to serve by 1926?
A theatre in which Mussolini’s decisions could be applauded by fascists and sympathisers
Why was there no organised political opposition at this time?
- The liberals and popolari were divided and leaderless
- The socialists were under constant physical attack
Why was Mussolini’s power still limited in theory?
He could be dismissed by the King
Why was the King not a threat to Mussolini’s power in practise?
- The March on Rome and Matteoti crisis had proven that the King was unwilling to stand up to him
- The King was in fear and awe of the fascist leader
What was Mussolini’s central goal as PM?
To maintain and increase his own power
What did Mussolini do to maintain and increase his power?
- He created a cult of personality that stressed his genius, power and indispensability as leader of the nation
- He sought a constructive working relationship with the church, armed forces and industrialists
What was relegated as a result of Mussolini’s pursuit of power?
His desire to impose fascists ideas on all aspects of Italian life