The Church Flashcards
What was the syllabus of errors?
Denigrated the ideas of liberalism and modern civilisation
What happened to the church in 1866?
An increased tax burden was placed upon it
What was the dogma of papal infallibility?
It was a proclamation that all of the pope’s pronouncements were indisputable
When did Rome become the new Italian capital?
What did Pope Pius IX declare himself to be?
A prisoner of the vatican
What did Pope Pius IX threaten to do to any Catholic who interacted with the new state?
Excommunicate them
What was set up to try and limit clerical influence on the young?
A lay education system
What changes did the liberal government make to marraige law?
Civil marraige was instituted, and those who had been marred in church were forced to go through a second ceremony infront of the mayor
What were civil courts given the ability to grant?
Legal separation
What was introduced by justice minister Villa in 1881?
The ‘divorce law’, which gave separated couples the right to remarry
What type of morality did the state claim to represent?
A lay morality, based on liberalism, rationality and progress. This was novel in a country where morality had always been derived from the teachings of the church
What type of religious life was suppressed?
The mendicant order
What was type of religious practise was prohibited?
What was introduced for priests
Military service
What happened to ecclesiastical estates?
They were expropriated and had their land sold off at auctions
What was the major benefit of the seizure of monasteries and convents?
They were used to house official buildings in Italy, like schools, hospitals and prisoners
What was the problem with the law of guarantees
It was simply an Italian law like any other, liable to appeal or amendment at any time; it did not even have the status of an international treaty. It meant the pope was beholden to the goodwill of Italian parliaments, therefore rejecting the laws and its compensations
What was the law of guarantees?
Represented an attempt at compromise. Recognise a kind of papal sovereinty. The pope was accorded all the rights of a sovereign, including diplomatic representatives being accredited to them. He was proclaimed to be immune from arrest or trial. His person was declared sacred and inviable, on a similar footing to the King. Separate postal and telegraph offices were confirmed. The pope retained the Vatican and the lateran places in Rome, and his villa at Castelgandolfo. The pope was offered compensation for the loss of his territories, in the form of an annual payment of 3,225,000 lire
What was the non expedit prohibitonem importat?
Catholics were formally forbidden either to vote or stand as candidates at parliamnetary election, although both were allowed and encouraged at local and provincial elections. It prevented the rise of any national conservative party with mass catholic support
What was the new concordat?
Also referred to as the law of guarantees
What did the government have the right to veto in the new Italy
Temporal (church) laws
What did Roman Catholic clergy become subject to?
The laws of the Italian state
What did the dogma of papal infallability state?
‘When the Roman Pontiff speaks, he is possessed with that infallibility with which the divine redeemer wished his church to be endowed’