Italian foreign policy 1870-1914 Flashcards
What was the first potential colony Italy was eyeing up?
Tunisia in North Africa, then in Turkish possession
What colonial action did Italy take in 1871?
An Italian expedition was sent to Tunisia with the hope of annexing the country. The move was opposed by Britain and France
Why did Italy’s colonial ambitions take a blow in 1878?
At the Congress of Berlin, Britain agreed that Tunisia should fall under French influence in return for French agreement to their acquisition of Cyprus
How did Italy’s colonial ambitions take a blow in 1881?
Tunisia was officially declared a French protectorate in the treaty of Bardo. The subsequent Italian protests were ignored
How did Italy express their displeasure with France?
Joined the existing dual alliance between Germany and austria-Hungary. The dual alliance of 1879 became the triple alliance in 1882
What was the impact of Italy joining the triple alliance in 1882?
It proved to be an unhappy arrangement since Italy was clearly teh junior partner. Although the treaty was renewed in 1891 and 1892, it was very much disliked by Italians
In what way were the Italians humiliated in Africa in 1887?
At Dogali, an irregular native force succeeded in wiping out 500 well-equipped Italian troops. At home, this humiliation led to the removal of Depretis. Dogali was an omen of worse to come
What did Italy do to try and gain political influence in Abyssinia?
The Italian authorities backed Menelek during a dispute over the throne. Afterwards Italy and Abyssinia agreed the treaty of Uccialli inn 1889, with Italy claiming Abyssinia as a protectorate. Menelek challenged this claim
Why was there a dispute over article 17 of the treaty of Uccialli?
- The Italian version read ‘The Emperor consents to use the Italian government for all business he does with other powers or governments’
- The Abyssinian version read ‘The Emperor has the option to communicate with the help of the Italian government for all matters that he wants with the Kings of Europe
What was Menelek’s response to the dispute over the treaty of Uccialli?
He claimed that he had been cheated and rejected the terms of the treaty outright. He claimed the Italians were ‘burrowing into the country like moles’ and said ‘with God’s help I will get rid of them’
What military move did the Italians take in 1895?
Forces under General Baratieri used the Italian colony of Eritrea as a sringboard for an attempt to invade Abyssinia. However, the armt was so disorganised that officers didn’t even have maps of the area
What was Menelek’s response to Italian invasion in 1895?
He was well-prepared with an army of nearly 200,000 men, most of them armed with rifles that had been provided by the Italians
What happened in Abyssinia in March 1896?
The Italians were annihilated at the battle of Adowa. Forced to flee in confusion, they left behind 5,000 dead
What proportion of the Italian invasion force were killed, wounded or captured at the battle of adowa?
What treaty was signed following the battle of Adowa?
The treaty of Addis Ababa, replacing the terms of the treaty of Uccialli. It forced Italy to accept Abyssinian independence and pay 10 million lire in reperations before Menelek would agree to release the captured prisoners
What were the consequences of the battle of Adowa domestically?
It brought to an end, at least for the time being, both Italy’s colonial ambitions and Crispi’s political career
What did Italy, France and Britain agree upon in 1906?
A tripartite pact recognising Abyssinian independence. In the event of difficulty, the powers agreed defined areas of influence for themselves. Menelek protested the implications of this agreement
Italian annexation of what country had been long expected by 1911?
Where did the only opposition to Italian annexation of Tripoli come from?
Germany, largely due to their obvious lack of enthusiasm for Italy’s involvement in the triple alliance
What did the Italian government do in October 1911?
Sent an ultimatum to Turkey demanding the country’s agreement to their occupation of Tripoli. A declaration of war and the dispatch of soldiers followed
What was the reaction to war with Libya at home?
- It was supported by the nationalist press, who used it to encourage an orgy of patriotism at home
- D’Annunzio used his poetry to add to the nationalistic fervour
What was the war in Libya like?
An uninspired conflict lasting around a year
What brought war in Libya to an end in 1912?
The treaty of Lausanne
What was the domestic reaction to victory in Libya?
Unrestrained euphoria
What were the consequences of Italian acquisition of Libya?
It did not answer Italy’s needs. They were to gain little benefit from the control of a country that was largely desert an offered few attractions. Even worse, it was likely to place another financial burden on the Italian government
What is Italian irredenta?
The region given to various regions on Italy’s north-east border that remained under Austro-Hungarian control until after the Austro-Prussian war of 1866
Give some examples of irredenta land?
South Tyrol, Trentino, Istria, Fiume, Trieste and parts of the Dalmation coast. They were largely inhabited by Italian speaking peoples
Who were the irredentists?
Italian nationals who campaigned for the annexation of unredeemed land. This led to frequent clashed between Italian workers and Austrian officials
What were the reasons for Italian participation in the triple alliance?
- Resentment over the establishment of a French protectorate in Tunis
- The fact that it gave it security against any possible French attack
- It wanted the support of reliable allies in its quest for colonies
- Since Germany and Austria were both monarchies, it strengthened the position of Victor Emmanuel II in his struggle agianst Italian republicanism
- Restricted the activities of Austrian Catholics, who had been secretely plotting to restore papal authority
What was the major downside of Italian participation in the triple alliance?
It made Italy an ally of its enemy, Austria, a country with which it still nurtured a grievance over the issue of Italian irredenta
What were the 8 articles of the triple alliance?
1) Promised not to enter into an alliance against on another
2) If France attacked Italy without provocation, the other two powers were bound to go to its assistance. Italy was prepared to reciprocate if Germany was attacked by France
3) If an alliance member was attacked or involved in a war with more than one of the other great powers, the other alliance members would have to assist them
4) If one of the great powers should threaten an alliance member, with this ending in war, the other two would remain neutral or go to its assistance
5) If the peace of the alliance members should be threatened, the three would consult with one another and decide on the appropriate measures to be taken
6) The members agreed to keep the terms of the treaty secret
7) The terms were to remain in force for five years
8) The treaty was to be ratified within three weeks or sooner
What was the benefit to Germany and Austria-Hungary of Italy joining the triple alliance?
It meant they would no longer be in a position to form an alliance with Britain, France or Russia in any future wars
Why was it important for Italy to maintain friendly relations with Britain?
Because it supplied Italy with the coal and steel that was essential to its economy
What did Italy do to make sure they could uphold friendly relations with Britain upon joining the triple alliance?
Insisted that the signitories make a ministerial declaration in which they stated that the alliance was not in any way directed against England. However, this was not included when the treaty was renewed in 1887 and 1890. Despite this, the Italian government still made it clear that they would not support their triple alliance allies in any war against Britain
What was jointly agreed between Britain, Italy and Austria-Hungary in 1887?
The Mediterranean agreement, which meant that the three powers would undertake to preserve the status quo in the Mediterranean. This was move clearly aimed to hinder Russian and French expansion
What mutual agreement did Italy make with Britain over colonial policy?
Britain agreed to support Italian aims in Triploi in return for Italian support in Egypt
What diplomatic event occured between Italy and Britain in 1907?
Edward VII met Victor Emmanuel III at Gaeta
What three things were the primary causes of tension between France and Italy?
- Rivalry over Tunisia
- A tariff war
- French support for the papacy
How did Franco-Italian relations begin to improve by the mid-1890s?
- The Franco-Italian convention of 1896 resulted in Italian recognition of the French protectorate of Tunisia in return for certain political and commercial priviledges
- In 1898, a commercial treaty brought the damaging trade war to an end
- Following secret agreements made in 1900 and 1902, Italy and France agreed to recognise their respective ambitions in Triploi and Morocco
- Italy promised to remain neutral in any future war involving France and would not assist Germany in the case of French attack
What was the effect of Italy’s collaboration and diplomacy with France?
It effectively ended the triple alliance
Who did Italy decide to support during the Moroccan crisis of 1906?
France and Britain instead of Germany
What diplomatic events took place to show the improved relations between Italy and France?
- Victor Emmanuel III visited Paris in 1903
- President Loubert of France was welcomed to Rome
What agreement did Italy make with Russia in 1909?
Following the crisis caused by the Austrian annexation of Bosnia, Italy concluded the Racconigi agreement with Russia
What was the Racconigi agreement?
Italy and Russia promised to preserve the status quo in the a move that appeared to be aimed at Austrian ambitions in the region. Neither country would enter into plans for the region with a thrid nation without first consulting the other
What did Russia agree to show Italy in her ambitions in Tripoli?
Promised to show ‘benevolent neutrality’. In return, Italy agreed to support Russian plans to open the Dardanelles to her shipping
What did Italy do just days after the Racconigi agreement was sealed?
Made an agreement with Austria-Hungary that would appear to contradict the terms of the Racconigi agreement
What did Victor Emmanuel say about his intentions for Italian foreign policy?
‘Italy must not only be respected: she must make herself feared’