Banca Romana scandal Flashcards
When was the Banca Romana founded?
What happened to the Banca Romana in 1851?
It became the official bank of the papal state
What happened to the Banca Romana in 1874?
It was one of the six banks authorised by the Italian government to issue currency
How did the Banca Romana respond to rising inflation?
It and the five other currency issuing banks began to steadily increase their note circulation
What had happened to five of the six currency issuing banks by 1887?
They had exceeded their legal limit, a fact well known in government and financial circles
What prevented the government from robustly dealing with the note issuing crisis?
Restricting the ammount banks could loan would be politically damaging
What had been happening to the Italian economy since the late 1880s?
It had been sliding into a deep recession
Describe the governor of the Banca Romana at the time of the scandal
- His name was Bernardo Tanlongo
- Peculiar man; semi-literate but a genius for accounts and finance
- Was at his post during Italian unification and was promoted to governor in 1881
- Had a remarkable ability to secure friendships by providing loans
What happened to 3 Turin banks in 1889?
They began to fail and had to suspend payments
What were the 6 note issuing bans persuaded to do by the government?
Bail the other banks out in order to prevent a major disaster
What did the government allow banks to do to avoid recession?
Issue bank notes in excess of their reserves (more than they actually owned)
What did the June 1889 inspections into the Banca Romana by the government reveal?
- Serious irregularities in its accounts
- 91% of the banks assets were illiquid, meaning they didn’t actually exist
- The banks directors had comitted an offence by permitting two copies of every banknote as a backup investment incase anything went wrong
- The Banca Romana had loaned large sums to property developers but were ledt with huge debts when these projects collapsed in 1887
What was the government response into the Banca Romana inspection?
PM Crispi and his Treasury Minister Giolitti knew the report might undermine public confidence, so they suppressed it
What was a more selfish reason the government suppressed the Romana report?
They wanted to keep a secret that the bank had given loans to politicians, often without interest. This was a way for politicians to pay election expense in return for favours. Crispi’s successors, Di Rudini and Luzzatti, did not have the courage to release the report either
Why did the then PM Giolitti try to get tanlongo appointed as a senator?
Because this would have given him immunity from prosecution
What foiled Giolitti’s plan to get Tanlongo off the hook?
Before he could be appointed a senator, the report was leaked to deputies, who divulged its contents in parliament
What was Giolitti forced to do in December 1892?
Appoint another investigation of the banks
What had Giolitti done to increase suspicions of wrongdoing?
- Fostered a close friendship with Tanlongo
- Passed a law that gave the six currency issuing banks the right to do so for a further six years
When was the second report published?
January 1893
In what ways did the second report confirm the scandal in the Banca Romana?
- No cash
- Fake accounts
- A note circulation of 135 million lire instead of the 75 million permitted by law
- Bad debts
- 40 million lire in a duplicated series of notes that had been printed in Britain
- Politicians had received money to finace their election expense and bribe newspapers
What happened to Tanllongo following the second report?
He and several other bankers were arrested, but later acquitted by the court in July 1894. Tanlongo revealed that Giolitti had received money
What did Giolitti do in response to the second report?
- Liquidated the Banca Romana
- Reformed the whole system of note issuance
- A new law demanded stricter state control of banknote issuance
What was the cynical reason behind Giolitti’s banking reforms?
He wanted to cover up a scandal that involved many politicians, rather than wanting to create a new banking system
Why was it impossible for Giolitti to politically survive the Banca Romana scandal?
- He had been finance minister when the government suppressed the original report in 1889
- He had borrowed from the Banca Romana for governmental purposes while acting PM in 1892
- He had tried to nominate Tanlongo to the senate
- He had resisted a parliamentary enquiry, which made it look like he had something to hide
- Tanlongo and the Banca Romana were quick to blame Giolitti, hoping a change in government would result in their release
What did Giolitti, Crispi and Tanlongo all do in the wake of the crisis?
Leaked documents attacking one another
What did the judge say upon acquitting Tanlongo and why?
‘The major criminals are elsewhere’. An obvious reference to Giolitti
What was done to quell possible riots in the wake of the crisis?
5 battalions were sent to Rome
What prompted Giolitti’s departure from Italy?
Accusations of embezzlement and libel against Crispi and his wife