Opposition case studies Flashcards
What party did Gramsci belong to?
The communist party of Italy (PCI)
How did Gramsci oppose the regime?
- He supported a militant anti -fascist group, the Arditi del Popolo
- Tried to create a union of leftist parties against fascism, with the PCI at the centre
- Launched L’Unita, the official party newspaper
Why did is Gramsci seen as failing to successfully oppose the regime?
- His plan to create an anti-fascist coalition of leftist parties fell flat due to fears that a PCI led movement would be under the control of the PCI
- The anti-fascist rhetoric of L’Unita was massively outweighed by the amount of fascist propaganda at the time
- He lost support from Moscow in 1926
- He was imprisoned during the reigns peak years
How did the fascists deal with Gramsci?
Gramsci was arrested under new emergency laws following an attempt on Mussolini’s life in 1926. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison and would die in custody in 1937
How did the Roselli brothers break the stereotype about fascist opposition?
- They were genuinely patriotic, having fought in WWI
- They were extremely qualified, with degrees in law and political science
What did the Roselli brothers do after the murder of Matteoti?
They created the publication ‘non mollare (don’t give up) and pushed for a more active opposition to fascism
Why were the Roselli brothers sentenced to confino in 1926?
They tried to aid Turati’s escape to France
What did Carlo Roselli do while in confino?
He wrote his most famous work, liberal socialism
What did the Roselli brother do in 1929?
They escaped to Tunisia, from where they travelled to France with a community of Italian anti-fascists
What anti-fascist movement did the Roselli brothers help found in 1929?
Giustizia e Liberta
Why were the Roselli brothers also accused of anti-socialism?
They published a critique on Marxism and attacks on Stalinism
What did the Roselli brothers call for after the rise of the Nazis?
They began to call for military action to stop the two regimes before they plunged Europe into war
How did the Roselli brothers justify their inclusion in the anti-fascist Spanish Civil War?
By saying ‘today in Spain, tomorrow in Italy’
What was the name of the French fascist group that murdered the Roselli’s?
The Cagoule
How was Mussolini involved in the murder of the Roselli brothers?
Documents alleged that it was sanctioned by the Italian government, with the Cagoule receiving 100 semi-automatic rifles in return
How many attendees were there at the Roselli brothers’ funeral?
How old was Zamboni when he attempted to assassinate Mussolini?
What did the crowd do to Zamboni after he attempted to assassinate Mussolini?
Beat him to death
Why did the death of Zamboni scare anti-fascist groups?
Because it made them realise that Mussolini was genuinely popular, rather than people being repressed into supporting the regime
Why would it be misguided to point towards Violet Gibson’s assassination attempt on Mussolini as an example of opposition?
Because it was the act of a mentally ill lone actor who was out to cause trouble, rather than coming from a place of political dissent