Growth Of Fascism Flashcards
The initial growth of fascism can be largely attributed to what?
A series of locally formed fasci, led by Ras, some of whom had different ideas to Mussolini
Where did the main group of active fascist supporters come from?
The petty bourgeoisie. A wide range of people from the middle and working class, bound by a collective sense of insecurity.
Why did small farmers support fascism?
They saw socialism as a threat to their land ownership. The resented socialist land leagues (socialist organisations which controlled the rural labour market) because they bullied farmers into hiring workers when they weren’t really needed
Who were the agrari?
Groups of large landowners willing to fund any group that would combat the socialists
Why did industrialists support fascism?
They feared socialism and thought the liberal government was making too many concessions to workers
Why did youths support fascism?
They wanted action and adventure and were angry at their lack of prospects. It was an exciting contrast to the old men of liberal politics
What was a real fascist?
Someone who whole heartedly joined the fascist movement
What was a tactical fascist/user of fascism?
Someone who joined the movement for their own ends, without being committed to the cause
How many fascist members were there in 1921
What % of fascist members were ex-servicemen in 1921?
What was the name of the group Mussolini created in march 1919?
Fascio italiano di combattimento
Why did Mussolini claim that only 45 people came to fascio italiano di combattimentos inaugural meeting?
He wanted to present them as a small, dedicated band of revolutionaries
What is a fascist of the first hour?
An early member of the fascist movement
Why did mussolini create a fluid movement rather than a party with a manifesto?
He wanted the flexibility to attract a wide range of voters
Who were the arditi?
A military wing of the movement. Important early recruits to fascism, often former members of Italy’s elite units
List the factors that contributes to mussolinis early failure
- his ideas weren’t coherent or politically credible
- he couldn’t decide exactly what he believed in
- local groups drew up their own political programmes in the 1919 election, leading to a disjointed campaign
- some local fascist groups were much more right wing than Mussolini
- in the 1919 election, not a single fascist was elected, and, even in their Milan stronghold, they achieved only 5,000 of the 270,000 votes cast
What were the factors that revived fascism?
- Dannunzios capture of Fium
- the growth of rural fascism in Ferrara and bologna
What did fascist membership increase by between march and may 1921?
It went from 80,000 to 187,000
Why did rural fascism grow towards the end of 1920?
- Landowners and the middle classes had become fed up with socialist gains during the biennio rosso
- recession and falling incomes made them determined not to make any more concessions
- socialists were unfairly blamed for a clash between the fascists and socialists at Ferrara town square. This stimulated fascist recruitment
How many members did the fascia have in Ferrara and bologna by 1921
7,000 and 5,000
Who were the fascist ras?
Local leaders
What tactics did the ras use to combat socialism and assert their authority?
- violence and intimidation
- attacking leaders
- smashing up premises
- tax strikes
- forcing workers to leave socialist unions and join fascist ones which renegotiated contracts in favour of the employer
What made rural fascism successful?
- large landowners were prepared to finance and equip them
- they were also supported by the lower middle class and share croppers
What did Mussolini do to shift fascism to the right?
- looked for the support of conservative businessmen
- abandoned anti-catholic rhetoric
- allowed his black shirts to be used as strike breakers and security guards for industrial firms
- ordered regional leaders to organise their Blackshirts along paramilitary lines
Why did giolitti call a general election in may 1921?
He thought socialism was on the wane
Why was fascist participation in the 1921 election a disaster?
It became an orgy if fascist violence, with 40 people killed on polling day alone
How many fascists were elected in 1921