The Mess That Is Micro - VII - Viruses Flashcards
Oral and some genital lesions, spontaneous temporal lobe encephalitis, keratoconjunctivitis; DS and linear
Genital and some oral lesions, DS and linear
Chickenpox, zoster (shingles), vaccine available; DS and linear
HHV-4 - DS and linear - Herpesvirus - mononucleosis, Burkitt lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma
Infects B cells. Atypical lymphocytes seen on peripheral blood smear are not infected B cells but rather reactive cytotoxic T cells.
Detect by positive monospot test.
Heterophile antibodies detected by agglutination of sheep or horse RBCs.
Associated with Hodgkin lymphoma, endemic Burkitts, and nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
HHV-5 - DS and linear - Herpesvirus - infection in immunosuppressed patients (AIDS retinitis, especially transplant recipients, congenital defects)
Congenital infection, negative monospot, owl eye inclusions in infected cells. Pneumonia and retinitis.
Roseola, Exanthem subitum, occurs in people <2, you get a fever for several days that can cause seizures, which subsides and then rash (diffuse macular) on trunk that spreads to legs and neck (very rarely affects adults, when it does, you get mono-like symptoms)
Less common cause of Roseola - Exanthem subitum, occurs in people <2, you get a fever which subsides and then rash on trunk that spreads to legs and neck (very rarely affects adults, when it does, you get mono-like symptoms)
Causes Kaposi sarcoma. Neoplasm of endothelial cells. Seen in HIV/AIDS and transplant patients. Dark / violaceous flat and nodular skin lesions representing endothelial growths. Can also affect GI tract and lungs. Transmitted by sexual contact.
DNA viruses
Parvati And Polly Heaped Herpes and Poxes on the Papacy (for denying the existence of DNA)
Line line circle circle line line circle
Enveloped. A Hepadnavirus - it is partially DS and circular.
Not a retrovirus, but has reverse transcriptase.
Non-enveloped. Parvovirus, SS and linear (-), smallest DNA virus, the only single stranded DNA virus.
Aplastic crisis in sickle cell disease, slapped cheeks rash in children, erythema infectiosum (fifth disease), RBC destruction in fetus leads to hydrops fetalis and death, pure RBC aplasia and rheumatoid arthritis-like sx in adults.
Remember Part of a Virus.
Erythema infectiosum versus Exanthem subitum
Erythema infectiosum - B19 / 5th disease
Exanthem subitum - Roseola
Papillomavirus, No envelope, DS and circular. Warts - 1,2,6,11. CIN Cervical cancer - 16,18 Vaccine available
JC Virus
Polyomavirus. No envelope, DS and circular. PML in HIV.
BK virus
Polyomavirus. NO envelope, DS and circular. Transplant patients, commonly targets the kidney.
A poxvirus. DS and linear (largest DNA virus). Eradicated. But it could be used in germ warfare.
A poxvirus. Milkmaid blisters. DS and linear (largest DNA virus).
Molluscum contagiosum
A poxvirus, enveloped, DS and linear, flesh-colored dome lesions with central umbilicated dimple.
Aka Colorado tick fever. A Reovirus, no envelope, DS linear 10-12 segments. Icosahedral capsid.
RNA viruses with negative sense DNA
Rabid Philadelphian Paragliders Order Delicious Buns in the Arena Rhabdoviruses Filoviruses Paramyxoviruses Orthomyxoviruses Delta virus Bunyaviruses Arenaviruses
A Reovirus, no envelope, DS linear 10-12 segments of DNA, icosahedral, number 1 cause of fatal diarrhea in children. Villous destruction with atrophy leads to decreased absorption of sodium and loss of potassium. CDC recommends vaccination of infants. Most important global cause of infantile gastroenteritis.
No envelope, single stranded and linear, Icosahedral PERCH Poliovirus Echovirus Rhinovirus Coxsackievirus HAV
RNA is translated into one large polypeptide that is cleaved by proteases into functional viral proteins. Can cause aseptic viral meningitis (except rhinovirus and HAV). All are enterovirus (fecal-oral route) except rhinovirus.
Segmented viruses
Buns ARe Really Orthoganal (and segmented) Bunyaviruses Arenaviruses Reoviruses Orthovmyxoviruses (influenza virus)