The Gluteal Region & Hip Joint (AP) Flashcards
What type of joint is the hip joint?
Ball and socket type synovial
What movements are attainable at the hip joint?
- Flexion
- Extension
- Abduction
- Adduction
- Circumduction
- Hip rotation
Intra-capsular ligaments of the hip joint
Ligament of head of femur
Extra-capsular ligaments of hip joint
- Iliofemoral ligament
- Pubofemoral ligament
- Ischiofemoral ligament
Where do each of the extra-capsular ligaments attach?
- Ilio = ASIS to intertrochanteric line
- Pubo = superior pubic ramus to intertrochanteric line
- Ischio = body of ischium to greater trochanter
Superficial muscles of gluteal region
- Gluteus maximus
- Gluteus medius
- Gluteus minimus
- Tensor fascia lata
Deep muscles of gluteal region
- Quadratus femoris
- Piriformis
- Gemellus superior
- Gemellus inferior
- Obturator internus
Muscles that perform flexion of the thigh at the hip joint
- Iliacus
- Psoas major
- Pectineus
- Rectus femoris
- Sartorius
Origin, insertion and innervation of iliacus
- O = superior 2/3 iliac fossa (majority), inner lip of iliac crest, ala of sacrum, anterior sacroiliac + iliolumbar ligaments
- Ins = lesser trochanter of femur (blends with tendon of psoas major - forms common tendon for iliopsoas)
- Inn = femoral nerve (L2-4)
Origin, insertion and innervation of psoas major
- O = T12-L5 vertebral bodies, L1-5 transverse processes, adjacent intervertebral discs
- Ins = lesser trochanter of femur
- Inn = anterior rami L1-3 spinal nerves
Origin, insertion and innervation of pectineus
- O = superior pubic ramus
- Ins = pectineal line of femur
- Inn = femoral nerve (L2-3), obturator nerve (L2-3)
Origin, insertion and innervation of rectus femoris
- O = AIIS, supraacetabular groove of ilium
- Ins = tibial tuberosity (via quadriceps femoris tendon + patellar ligament)
- Inn = femoral nerve (L2-4)
Origin, insertion and innervation of sartorius
- O = ASIS
- Ins = medial aspect of proximal tibia
- Inn = femoral nerve (L2-3)
Origin, insertion, innervation and function of gluteus maximus
- O = thoracolumbar fascia, gluteal surface of ilium, posterolateral aspect of sacrum + coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament, gluteal aponeurosis
- Ins = iliotibial tract, gluteal tuberosity of femur
- Inn = inferior gluteal nerve (L5-S2)
- F = extend + abduct thigh, assist external rotation + adduction of thigh
Origin, insertion, innervation and function of gluteus medius
- O = gluteal surface of ilium (between anterior + posterior gluteal lines)
- Ins = lateral side of greater trochanter
- Inn = superior gluteal nerve (L4, S1)
- F = abduct + internally rotate thigh, stabilisation of pelvis in gait cycle