The Ear - B Davis Lec 1 Flashcards
function of auricle
sound collection and localization
sensory innervation to concha
auricular branch of CN X
sensory innervation to anterior aspects including tragus
auriculotemporal nerve (V3)
sensory innervation to variable, small distribution pattern
posterior auricular branch of CN VII
sensory innervation to posterior aspect of auricle aka lateral surfaces of lobule, helix, and anti-helix
Great Auricular Nerve (branch of cervical plexus)
sensory innervation to posterior aspect of auricle aka medial surfaces of lobule, helix, and anti-helix
Lesser Occipital Nerve (branch of cervical plexus)
innervation to external ear canal
auriculotemporal nerve (V3) and CN X
innervation to internal tympanic membrane
what is the boundary between the external and middle ear
tympanic membrane
the tympanic membrane is anchored to the
manubrium of malleus
the middle hear houses:
3 tiny ossicles
chorda tympani (VII)
tensor tympani M
stapedius M
tympanic plexus (IX)
boundaries of middle ear
floor (inferior): tympanic portion of temporal bone
anterior: auditory/eustachian tube
lateral: tympanic membrane
posterior: mastoid air cells
medial: promontory of inner ear
roof (superior): tegmen tympani
the middle ear develops as an out-pocketing of the _________ , and retains this connection via the ______________-
pharynx , eustachian tube
Middle Ear: anterior communication
Eustachian tube to nasopharynx
Middle Ear: posterior communication
mastoid antrum
Middle Ear: medial communication –> oval window
footplate of stapes ; scala vestibuli
Middle Ear: medial communication –> round window
pressure release from scala tympani
the internal surface of tympani membrane is supplied by the ____________ from __________-
tympanic plexus ; CN IX
The tympanic nerve from CN IX is composed of
preganglionic parasympathetic and somatic sensory fibers
the tympanic nerve continues through the plexus to enter the cranial cavity as the
lesser petrosal nerve
the lesser petrosal nerve leaves through the
foramen ovale
the lesser petrosal nerve synapses at the
otic ganglion
lesser petrosal nerve postganglionic parasympathetic fibers hitchhike on the ____________ to innervate the ___________
auriculotemporal nerve (V3) ; parotid gland