Anatomy Review PPT - Herring Flashcards
what cranial nerve uses the otic ganglion
what cranial nerve uses the superior cervical ganglion
what cranial nerve uses the pterygopalatine ganglion
what cranial nerve uses the ciliary ganglion
what cranial nerve uses the submandibular ganglion
what fibers does the otic ganglion have
what fibers does the superior cervical ganglion have
what fibers does the superior ganglion of CN IX have
somatic sensory
what fibers does the trigeminal ganglion have
somatic sensory
what fibers does the geniculate ganglion
somatic sensory
special sensory
what fibers does the superior ganglion of CN X have
somatic sensory
what fibers does the pterygopalatine ganglion have
what fibers does the inferior (nodose) ganglion of CN X have
visceral sensory
special sensory
what fibers does the ciliary ganglion have
what fibers does the inferior ganglion of CN IX have
somatic sensory
visceral sensory
special sensory
what fibers does the submandibular ganglion have
the “COPS” ganglia all have what kind of cell bodies?
sensory ganglia all have what kind of cell bodies
1st order cell bodies
Sympathetic Pathway to the Head - Preganglionic sympathetic cell bodies are where
IML T1 - T4
Sympathetic Pathway to the Head - Preganglionic sympathetic fibers do what
ascend through ST
Sympathetic Pathway to the Head - Postganglionic sympathetic cell bodies are what
superior cervical ganglion
Sympathetic Pathway to the Head - Postganglionic sympathetic fibers travel on what arteries
external and internal arteries
Sympathetic Pathway to the Head - targets?
Smooth muscle of arteries, sweat glands, glands & specific eye structures of the head
Sympathetic Pathway to the Neck - Preganglionic sympathetic cell bodies are where
IML T1 - T4
Sympathetic Pathway to the Neck - Preganglionic sympathetic fibers do what
ascend through ST
Sympathetic Pathway to the Neck - Postganglionic sympathetic cell bodies are where
inferior cervical (stellate) ganglion C7 – C8
middle cervical ganglion C5- C6
superior cervical ganglion C1 – C4
Sympathetic Pathway to the Neck - Postganglionic sympathetic fibers do what
GRC to Spinal Nerve
Sympathetic Pathway to the Neck - Targets
Smooth muscle of arteries & sweat glands of the neck (and upper limb)
Which 3 CN is associated with muscles that move
the eyeball (extra-ocular muscles)
CN III is what kind of nerve
somatic motor
Which branches of the CN V travel through the cavernous sinus
V1 and V2
Which CN is involved in sensory from the eyeball & skin at & superior to the eyes
Which CN is involved in sensory from the skin between the mouth & eyes, maxillary sinus, nasal cavity, & palate
Which CN is associated with sensory from the skin along the mandible, anterior 2/3rd tongue, & external ear
What is the somatic motor pathway for cranial nerves
corticobulbar pathway
What cranial nerves have their lower motor neurons in the brainstem in the corticobulbar pathway
Most upper motor neurons project _______ to their respective lower motor neurons
If only one (right or left) precentral gyrus is damaged that there really _________ an effect on
the lower motor neurons (there are 2 exceptions)
What are the 2 exceptions to most upper motor neurons project bilaterally to their respective lower motor neurons
CN VII (part of it) and CN XII
For the facial nerve, the cell bodies in the dorsal half are involved in innervating the muscles of the
For the facial nerve, the cell bodies in the ventral half are involved in innervating
the muscles of the
mid-face & lower face
The upper motor neurons target each of the halves of the facial nerve differently.
The dorsal half receives
_________ projections from upper motor neurons (the typical pattern)
The upper motor neurons target each of the halves of the facial nerve differently.
The ventral half only receives ___________ projections the upper motor neurons
Upper motor neurons project ________ to the dorsal half of the facial motor nucleus (forehead muscles)
Thus the lower motor neurons in the dorsal half of the facial motor nucleus are innervated by the
right & left precentral gyri
Upper motor neurons only project ____________ to the ventral half of the facial motor nucleus
The lower motor neurons in the ventral half of the facial motor nucleus are only innervated by the
contralateral pre central gyrus
Regarding CN VII:
If there is a lesion to either the right or left precentral gyrus, the other precentral gyrus is still sending signals to both the right and left DORSAL halves of the facial motor nuclei so what are symptoms?
NONE - patient is totally fine with raising eyebrows and wrinkling the forehead
Regarding CN VII:
If there is a lesion to either the right or left precentral gyrus, there are no signals being sent to the VENTRAL half of the contralateral facial motor nucleus so what are the symptoms if lesioned on the right upper motor neurons?
inability to smile on the opposite side of the lesion
inability to smile on left side, but can raise eyebrows / wrinkle forehead
Regarding CN VII:
If there is a lesion to either the right or left precentral gyrus, there are no signals being sent to the VENTRAL half of the contralateral facial motor nucleus so what are the symptoms if lesioned on the left upper motor neurons?
inability to smile on the opposite side of the lesion
inability to smile on right side, but can raise eyebrows / wrinkle forehead
Regarding CN XII:
The tongue sticking out in the midline requires the right & left sides of the tongue pushing against each other
So the right side of the tongue pushes to the
Regarding CN XII:
The tongue sticking out in the midline requires the right & left sides of the tongue pushing against each other
So the left side of the tongue pushes to the
Regarding CN XII:
If there is a lesion to either the right or left inferolateral precentral gyrus aka upper motor neuron lesion = there are _____ signals being sent to the contralateral hypoglossal nucleus
Regarding CN XII:
If there is a lesion to either the right or left inferolateral precentral gyrus aka upper motor neuron lesion = there are no signals being sent to the contralateral hypoglossal nucleus = Right upper motor neurons lesioned =
tongue protrudes to the _____ side
Regarding CN XII:
If there is a lesion to either the right or left inferolateral precentral gyrus aka upper motor neuron lesion = there are no signals being sent to the contralateral hypoglossal nucleus = Left upper motor neurons lesioned =
tongue protrudes to the _____ side
Regarding CN XII:
If there is a lesion to the hypoglossal nucleus or
hypoglossal nerve (CN XII):
Right lower motor neurons lesioned = tongue protrudes to the _____ side
Regarding CN XII:
If there is a lesion to the hypoglossal nucleus or
hypoglossal nerve (CN XII):
left lower motor neurons lesioned = tongue protrudes to the _____ side
Potential space for spread of infection or blood
loose connective tissue
Regarding the scalp, it is supplied primarily from branches of the external carotid artery and internal jugular vein - what are they?
Occipital artery & vein
Posterior auricular artery & vein
Superficial temporal artery & vein
The anterior scalp is supplied by branches of the internal carotid artery & veins to cavernous sinus - what is it?
Supra-orbital A and V
The vasculature of the scalp can communicate with dural venous sinuses
through what veins
The anterior scalp is supplied by branches of ophthalmic division of trigeminal n (CN V1) - what 2 nerves?
Supra-orbital nerve
Supratrochlear nerve
The Lateral scalp (temple) is supplied by
The posterior scalp is mainly supplied by
greater occipital N (dorsal
ramus of C2)
The posterolateral portion of the posterior scalp is supplied by the
lesser occipital nerve (from the cervical plexus)
Arises from occipital bone
Inserts into epicranial aponeurosis
Retracts scalp
Occipital belly of the occiptofrontalis
Arises from epicranial aponeurosis
Inserts into skin and subcutaneous tissue of
eyebrows & forehead
Raises eyebrows & wrinkles forehead (horizontal wrinkles)
Frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis
What peri-orbital muscle closes eyelids (sphincter)
Orbicularis oculi
What peri-orbital muscle depresses medial end of eyebrow; creates horizontal wrinkle(s) between eyebrows
What peri-orbital muscle draws eyebrow medially
and inferiorly; creates
vertical wrinkles
corrugator supercilii
What peri-orbital muscle flares nostrils
What peri-oral muscle elevates and protrudes lower lip (pouting) and
assists orbicularis oris in clearing food from
mandibular labial vestibule
What branch Supplies the supraorbital muscles: frontalis,
corrugator supercilii, procerus, superior aspect
of orbicularis oculi
temporal branch
What branch supplies inferior aspect of orbicularis oculi,
zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor, levator
labii superioris, and nasalis muscles
Zygomatic branch
What branch Innervates buccinator, levator anguli oris, superior
aspect of orbicularis oris
buccal branch
What branch Supplies muscles of lower lip: mentalis, depressor
labii inferioris, depressor anguli oris, inferior aspect
of orbicularis oris
mandibular branch
What branch supplies the platysma muscle
cervical branch
The facial nerve also gives off two other branches
as it emerges from stylomastoid foramen: what are they?
Posterior auricular branch
Nerve to the posterior belly of digastric muscle
Which branch travels posterior to
the ear to supply occipitalis muscle and
muscles around auricle
posterior auricular branch
Which branch supplies the posterior belly of digastric
& stylohyoid muscles (pharyngeal arch 2
nerve to the posterior belly of digastric muscle
What nerve supplies bridge of nose, brow ridge,
forehead and much of the scalp
What nerve passes through supra-orbital
notch/foramen to supply upper eyelid and much of forehead
and anterior scalp
supra-orbital nerve
What nerve passes superior to trochlea of superior
oblique muscle to supply the middle of the forehead
supratrochlear nerve
What nerve passes inferior to trochlea of superior
oblique muscle to supply the root (bridge) of nose
infratrochlear nerve
What nerve supplies ala of nose,
upper lip and cheek, lower eyelid, portion of
temporal region
What nerve passes through infra-
orbital foramen to supply the lower eyelid and
upper lip, cheek region
infra-orbital nerve
What nerve passes through
zygomaticofacial foramen to supply the lateral
zygomaticofacial nerve
What nerve passes through
zygomaticotemporal foramen to supply part of
temporal region
zygomaticotemporal nerve
What nerve supplies lower lip and jaw and a
portion of the temporal region
What nerve is the terminal branch of the inferior alveolar
nerve which passes through the mental foramen to supply
the chin and lower lip
mental nerve
What nerve passes through infratemporal fossa to
supply the skin of the lower cheek, mucosa of much of the
mandibular oral vestibule, and mandibular molar buccal
long buccal nerve
What nerve passes laterally through
infratemporal fossa posterior to the temporomandibular
joint (TMJ) to supply the skin anterior to the auricle of the
ear and to much of the temple region
CN V3 (auriculotemporal nerve)
What artery branches from the external carotid artery at
the level of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle,
passes deep to the submandibular gland, and curls over
the inferior margin of mandible anteromedial to masseter
muscle to supply most of the face
facial artery
what artery branches from facial artery
inferior to the modiolus to supply the lower lip
inferior labial artery
What artery branches from facial artery
superior to the modiolus to supply the upper lip
superior labial artery
What artery is the terminal portion of facial artery
(name change at the angle of the nose) continues
superior course along ala and then up to the bridge
of nose
angular artery
what artery is the terminal branch of
the external carotid artery continues superiorly
anterior to the auricle to give off numerous
branches to lateral and superior scalp
superficial temporal artery
what artery is branch of the
superficial temporal artery which courses
inferior to zygomatic arch to supply cheek
region and lateral face
transverse facial artery
what artery travels with the supra-orbital nerve
through supra-orbital foramen/notch to emerge onto the
supra-orbital artery
what artery travels with the supratrochlear
nerve superior to the trochlea to emerge onto the middle
of the forehead
supratrochlear artery
what artery travels with the infratrochlear nerve
inferior to the trochea to emerge onto the root or bridge
of the nose
dorsal nasal artery
what vein Collects most of the venous blood from the face
facial vein
what vein formed by union of superficial
temporal vein and maxillary vein
retromandibular vein
Anterior division of RMV unites with the common facial or
facial vein to drain into the
internal jugular vein
Posterior division RMV unites with the posterior auricular
vein to form the
external jugular vein
Sensory innervation to parotid sheath supplied
by ___________ (branch of the cervical plexus)
great auricular nerve
Postganglionic sympathetic cell bodies of the parotid gland located in the
superior cervical ganglion
Postganglionic sympathetic fibers of the parotid gland travel to the parotid gland on the
external carotid artery
Regarding Parasympathetic innervation from glossopharyngeal
nerve (CN IX) for the parotid gland, Preganglionic parasympathetic cell bodies are in the
inferior salivary nucleus
Lesser petrosal nerve synapses at the
otic ganglion
Innervation of the dura mater Superior to & at cerebellar tentorium
innervation of the dura mater Inferior to cerebellar tentorium
C2 - C3
separates right & left cerebral hemispheres
cerebral falx
Separates cerebrum from cerebellum
Cerebellar tentorium (tentorium cerebelli)
Vertical reflection inferior to cerebellar tentorium which partially separates the cerebellar hemispheres
Cerebellar falx (cerebellar falx)
Forms a superior boundary over the sella
turcica covering the pituitary gland
sellar diaphragm
- Collects blood from superior cerebral veins
- Superior sagittal sinus
Drains to confluence of sinuses
- Superior sagittal sinus
- Straight sinus
- Collects blood from inferior cerebral veins
- Inferior sagittal sinus
- Drains to straight sinus
- Inferior sagittal sinus
- Formed by the union of inferior sagittal sinus & great cerebral vein of Galen
- Straight sinus
- Collects blood from superior sagittal sinus, straight sinus, & occipital sinus
- Confluence of sinuses
- Drains to transverse sinus
- Confluence of sinuses
- Drain to right & left sigmoid sinuses
- Transverse sinuses
- Drain to right & left internal jugular vein
- Sigmoid sinuses
Receives blood from superior & inferior
ophthalmic veins & pterygoid venous
Cavernous sinus
Drain to superior & inferior petrosal
cavernous sinus
Within cavernous sinus: Lateral wall (superior to inferior)
* CN V1
* CN V2
Within cavernous sinus: * In the middle:
Internal carotid artery (+postgang sym)
What artery Supplies medial & superior aspect of
the brain & frontal portion
anterior cerebral artery
What artery Connects right & left anterior
cerebral arteries
anterior communicating arteries
What artery supplies lateral surfaces of the brain
middle cerebral artery
what artery Supplies inferior surface of brain &
occipital portion
posterior cerebral artery
what artery Connects right & left posterior cerebral
arteries to ICA
posterior communicating artery