Neck 2 - BC Flashcards
The subclavian arteries supply what 3 things
upper limbs, neck and brain
The right subclavian
artery arises from the
brachiocephalic trunk
The left subclavian
artery arises from the
arch of the aorta
The subclavian arteries ascend from thorax, passing posterior to the
anterior scalene muscles
The subclavian artery is
divided into 3 parts relative to the anterior scalene muscle, what are the 3 parts?
medial, posterior, and lateral to the anterior scalene muscle
what 3 things are medial to the anterior scalene
vertebral artery
internal thoracic artery
thyrocervical trunk
the vertebral artery enters the ___________ at levels _____
transverse foramina
C1 - C6
what 4 arteries make up the thyrocervical trunk
Inferior thyroid
Ascending cervical
Transverse cervical
what is posterior to the anterior scalene muscle
costocervical trunk
the costocervical trunk arises from the posterior aspect of the second part of the ________
subclavian artery
the costocervical trunk divides into what 2 things
the supreme intercostal
and deep cervical arteries
what is lateral to the anterior scalene muscle
dorsal scapular artery
Each common carotid
artery ascends within the _______ to the level of the superior border of the ________
carotid sheath
thyroid cartilage
At the level of the superior border of the thyroid cartilage, each common carotid artery terminates by dividing into the
internal and external carotid arteries
The internal carotid artery has _______ branches in the neck
the external carotid has _____ branches in the neck
The proximal part of each internal carotid artery is the site of the _________
carotid sinus
a dilation of artery that acts as a baroreceptor that reacts to changes in arterial blood pressure
carotid sinus
The ________ is located between the internal and the external carotid arteries
carotid body
a small mass of tissue that acts as a chemoreceptor that monitors the level of
oxygen in the blood
carotid body
When the carotid body gets stimulated by low oxygen and initiates a reflex, what does the reflex do?
increases the rate and depth of:
cardiac rate
blood pressure
The internal carotid arteries enter the cranium
through the ________ in the petrous parts of
the temporal bones and become the main
arteries of the ________ and __________
carotid canals
brain and structures in the orbits
Branches of the external carotid arteries mnemonic?
External Carotid Artery Branch - Some
Superior Thyroid Artery
External Carotid Artery Branch - Little
Lingual Artery
External Carotid Artery Branch - Fat
Facial Artery
External Carotid Artery Branch - Man
Maxillary Artery
External Carotid Artery Branch - Stole
Superficial Temporal Artery
External Carotid Artery Branch - Papa’s
Posterior Auricular Artery
External Carotid Artery Branch - Only
Occipital Artery
External Carotid Artery Branch - Apple
Ascending pharyngeal Artery
The superior thyroid artery gives rise to the
superior laryngeal artery
the ________ artery pierces the thyro-hyoid membrane to reach the _______
superior laryngeal artery
the ________ artery passes deep to hypoglossal nerve, stylohyoid and posterior belly of digastric to enter the floor of mouth
lingual artery
the ________ artery passes superiorly under the digastric and stylohyoid muscles and the angle of the mandible
the _______ artery loops anteriorly and passes deep to the submandibular gland en route to the face
facial artery
the _______ artery ascends posteriorly between the
external acoustic meatus and mastoid process
posterior auricular artery
the ________ artery passes posteriorly, crossing CN XII
occipital artery
the _______ artery ascends on the pharynx deep (medial) to the internal carotid artery
ascending pharyngeal
the _________ artery sends branches to the pharynx, prevertebral muscles, middle ear, and cranial meninges
ascending pharyngeal artery
the union of the posterior division of the retromandibular vein with the posterior auricular vein forms the ________ vein
external jugular vein
the _________ vein gives rise to the anterior jugular vein on the anterior neck
external jugular vein
the external jugular vein descends to terminate in the ________
subclavian vein
the ______ vein drains most of the scalp and side of the face
external jugular vein
The _________ vein lies deep to sternocleidomastoid and drains blood from the
brain, anterior face, cervical viscera, and deep muscles of the neck
Internal jugular vein
the ______ vein begins at the jugular foramen as the continuation of the sigmoid sinus
internal jugular vein
the ______ vein descends with the vagus nerve and internal carotid artery in the carotid sheath
internal jugular vein
Posterior to the clavicle, the IJV merges with the subclavian vein to form
the ___________ vein
brachiocephalic vein
The branches of the IJV are the what 4 veins
facial vein
lingual vein
superior thyroid vein
middle thyroid vein
The ___________ drain the superior poles of the thyroid gland
superior thyroid veins
the ________ vein drain the
middle of the lobes
middle thyroid veins
The _______ drains upper limb and curves through the inferior part of the lateral neck
subclavian vein
The _________ joins with the IJV at the venous angle to form the brachiocephalic
vein, posterior to the clavicle
subclavian vein
At the root of the neck, the subclavian vein receives blood from the ________ vein and the _________ vein
anterior jugular vein
Most superficial tissues in the neck are drained by lymphatic vessels that enter the _________
superficial cervical lymph nodes
the superficial cervical lymph nodes are located along the course of the
lymph from the superficial cervical lymph nodes drains into
deep cervical lymph nodes
the deep cervical lymph nodes form a chain along the
Efferent lymphatic vessels from the deep cervical nodes join to form the
jugular lymphatic trunks
the jugular lymphatic trunks join the thoracic duct on the LEFT side and enter the junction of the
Internal jugular and
subclavian veins directly
the jugular lymphatic trunks join the thoracic duct on the RIGHT side via a
short right lymphatic duct
Which CN exits the skull base at the jugular foramen
Which CN passes between the internal jugular vein and internal carotid artery
Which CN descends anterior to internal carotid artery
Which CN gives rise to a branch to supply carotid sinus and carotid body
Which CN curves forward toward the pharynx to
innervate stylopharyngeus
Which CN enters the
oropharynx to provide sensory innervation there and to the posterior tongue
Which CN descends vertically through the neck within the carotid sheath, where it lies posteriorly between the internal/common carotid artery and internal jugular vein
Which CN supplies motor and sensory innervation to the larynx via several branches
what nerve pierces the thyrohyoid membrane
internal laryngeal nerve
what nerve accompanies the superior laryngeal artery
internal laryngeal nerve
what nerve accompanies superior thyroid artery
external laryngeal nerve
what nerve innervates the cricothyroid muscle of the larynx
external laryngeal nerve
Which nerves ascend to the posteromedial aspect of the thyroid gland where they ascend in the tracheo esophageal groove
recurrent laryngeal nerve
which CN exits from the jugular foramen to descend behind the posterior belly of digastric
and stylohyoid muscles to the upper SCM
Which CN pierces and innervates SCM
Which CN continues to course obliquely across the
neck to end in the deep surface of trapezius
Which CN exits from the hypoglossal canal
Which CN descends between the internal carotid artery and the internal jugular vein before
traveling anteriorly, deep to the posterior belly of digastric, stylohyoid and mylohyoid
Which CN enters the floor of the mouth to innervate
intrinsic and most extrinsic tongue muscle
The ventral rami of C1–C4 make up the
cervical plexus
The ___________ lies anteromedial to the middle scalene muscles and deep to the SCM
cervical plexus
The _______ branches of the plexus that initially pass posteriorly are cutaneous (sensory) branches to skin of neck
The _________ branches passing anteromedially are motor branches, including
the phrenic nerve and the ansa cervicalis to infrahyoid muscles
The _________ is the nerve loop of the neck formed by C1-3 ventral rami
Ansa cervicalis
The Ansa cervicalis innervates which 3 of the 4 infrahyoid muscles
sternohyoid, omohyoid, sternothyroid
the ________ root of the ansa cervicalis arises from C1 spinal nerve and is more anterior
the ________ root of the ansa cervicalis arises from C2-3 spinal nerve and is more anterior
C11 ventral rami fibers hitch a ride on CN _______ for a short distance before descending to form the superior root of ansa cervicalis
C1 ventral rami fibers hitch a ride on CN XII to supply what 5 things
what supplies the sternohyoid
ansa cervicalis
what supplies the omohyoid
ansa cervicalis
what supplies the sternothyroid
ansa cervicalis
what supplies the thyrohyoid
what supplies the geniohyoid
The phrenic nerves originate chiefly
from the ______ nerve but receive contributions from the ______ and _____ nerves
C3 and C5
Each phrenic nerve forms at the superior part of the ______
muscle at the level of the superior thyroid cartilage
anterior scalene
Cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus emerge from the nerve point of the neck and supply sensation to
the skin of the neck and scalp
what are the cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus
Lesser occipital nerve
Great auricular nerve
Transverse cervical nerve
Supraclavicular nerves
What supplies the LON
what supplies the GAN
C2 and C3
what supplies the transverse cervical nerve
C2 and C3
what supplies the supraclavicular nerves
C3 and C4
Which cutaneous branch of the cervical plexus supplies
the skin over the angle of the mandible, the parotid
sheath, and the lower portion of the auricle of the ear
Great Auricular Nerve (C2 and C3)
Which cutaneous branch of the cervical plexus travels with/near the external jugular vein while
superficial to the SCM
Great Auricular Nerve
Which cutaneous branch of the cervical plexus supplies the skin of the anterior neck superficial to the SCM
Transverse Cervical Nerve (C2 and C3)
Which cutaneous branch of the cervical plexus supplies the skin over the clavicle and shoulder (and typically branches into 3 nerves)
Supraclavicular nerves (C3 and C4)
Which cutaneous branch of the cervical plexus supplies the skin of scalp postero-superior to the auricle
Lesser Occipital Nerve (C2)
Ventral rami of C5–C8 and T1 spinal nerves are the
Roots of brachial plexus
what appear between the
anterior and the middle
scalene muscles
Roots of brachial plexus
what unites to form the 3 trunks of the brachial plexus
roots of the brachial plexusw
what provides innervation for most of the upper limbs
Roots of brachial plexus
The ________ ganglion is at the level of the C1 and C2 vertebrae
superior cervical ganglion
The __________ ganglion lies on the inferior thyroid artery at the level of the cricoid cartilage
middle cervical
The ________ ganglion often fuses with the first thoracic ganglion to form the large cervicothoracic ganglion
inferior cervical
Anesthetic injected around the large cervicothoracic ganglion blocks transmission of stimuli through the ________ and _________ ganglia
cervical and superior thoracic ganglia