Neck 3 - BC Flashcards
Anterior boundary of the posterior triangle
the posterior border of the SCM
posterior boundary of the posterior triangle
anterior border of the trapezius
inferior boundary of the posterior triangle
middle third of the clavicle
roof boundary of the posterior triangle
investing layer of deep cervical fascia
floor boundary of the posterior triangle
scalene muscles covered by the prevertebral layer of deep cervical fascia
The floor of the posterior
triangle is formed by the
prevertebral fascia overlying the
anterior, middle, and posterior scalene muscles
The inferior belly of the omohyoid extends into
the posterior triangle and further subdivides it
into what 2 triangles
occipital triangle
omoclavicular (subclavian) triangle
the following are contents of what triangle:
subclavian artery
thyrocervical trunk
- transverse cervical
- suprascapular
Dorsal Scapular
External Jugular Vein
Subclavian Vein
Posterior Triangle
the following are contents of what triangle:
Roots of brachial plexus
Cervical plexus
- sensory (GAN, TCN, SCN, LON)
Phrenic Nerve
Posterior Triangle
Which CN enters the anterior border of the trapezius muscle
Which CN supplies the SCM and trapezius muscles
what would a surgeon need to be careful/aware of when dissecting the posterior triangle
spinal accessory nerve –> can cause weakness of shoulder elevation or permanent pain because innervation to the trapezius has been disrupted
Base of anterior boundary of the anterior triangle
Inferior mandible
Which triangle occupies the anterior neck as an inverted triangle
Anterior Triangle
Base of anterior boundary of the anterior triangle
inferior border of mandible
Apex boundary of the anterior triangle
manubrium of sternum
Anterior boundary of the anterior triangle
midline of neck
Posterior boundary of the anterior triangle
Roof boundary of the anterior triangle
superficial fascia of neck
deep investing fascia of neck